question question lots of questions!! need opinions!!

edited October 2012 in Pregnant
Has anyone got the foley balloon to start labor??

Has it worked for you.
He said there is no risk of uterine rupture that way is this true?

Is this method a way to not get pitocin.

Does it always fall out?

Also anyone have leaked water and doc said it was ok bc the baby still has a lotweek in there?

I need options and i need to be informed


  • Thanks for the bump girls

  • I haven't had it, but yes it is a safer induction method than any other. Instead of a medicine that stimulates your uterus to contract unnaturally, a catheter is inserted with a balloon on the end. The balloon is slowly inflated and encourages the cervix to dilate. It can be uncomfortable. My water leaked for 3 days before I gave birth, and he had plenty of fluid and no issues.
  • @ourlittlenugget my water leaked yesterdayafter sex but the baby has enough water he wasnt worried at all. Im at a three will this help me dilate more? Is it painful
  • Yes. If you go in to deliver and you're not dilating fast enough on your own, or if they need to induce you for any reason, they can use the foley catheter (also called a foley bulb) to help your cervix open. Generally, any active labor that opens your cervix can be uncomfortable, and since the foley encourages opening a little faster than your cervix might be willing on its own, it can be more uncomfortable. They may be able to give you something to take the edge off if you do have it, however. It sounds like you've got a great start if you're already a three, though! :-)
  • I had one with my first baby and it never worked. They left it in for 12 hours. It was really uncomfortable.
  • I had the foley ball. It was more painful than labor itself. I was screaming so much my throat went raw and gave out. Nurses came in frequently asking me to "be quiet" as I was "scaring the other mothers". It is an ancient method!
  • *BUT it did dilate me to 4 within a few hours*
  • @ourlittlnugget the doctor qants to put it in at the clinic and then have me go to th e hospital when contractions are strong.

    @captivated im a three i hope i can dilate fast he said i can dilate anywhere from 5_7 cm =/ just seems scary

    @kimalee2288 it didnt work at all th en?? Did they take it o UT did you dilate after wards where you given pitocin
  • They want to put it in and inflate it? That would make me a little nervous. Not to say your doctor doesn't know what they're doing, but I'd prefer constant monitoring if anything is going to be used to accelerate dilation/labor especially for VBAC. (Did you say you're attempting VBAC?)
  • @ourlittlenugget yes i am atfemping vbac im a little nervous about it too! =/ decisions decisions ? =(
  • It took four days, 3 doses of cervidil, and one balloon to get me to, two centimeters. At that point they finally broke my water and gave me pitocin and he was here 6 hours later.
  • Yeah I'm going to attempt Vbac too. I wouldn't hesitate to use a Foley myself, and don't buy into the rupture scare tactics, but I still want my baby monitored during active labor or during use of augmentation to make sure she isn't stressed. Did they say why they want to use Foley on you even though you're already dilating?
  • @kimalee2288 omg thats horrible =( pitocin worked well for you it didnt for me =( for.some reason after my epidural i stopped dilating
    @Ourlittlenugget i need to deliver already bc of my preeclampsia so since i am three he wants to use the ballon to get me more dilated and see if i keep dilating on my own after that so we can deliver him soon
  • Honestly I wouldn't allow anything. I have attended many hbacs no issues and had one myself. Ya never know ya might have a fast labor lol I know I'm not much help but my bff just had an hbac last month and was in labor for 2 days with no issue.
  • @Bahamamama4828 what is hbac ? They have to induce labor bc i have pree :/
  • Hbac is homebirth after cesarean :)
  • No problem. Im a lurker and usually never.comment lol. But I have followed you and so many others on your journeys. When I first join in March 2011 I believe you had your first. Cant remember to much. Anywho Im Elizabeth thought I would introduce myself :)
  • @novmom2be yes i did on st patricks day =) nice to meet you Elizabeth my name is Marline
  • Oh I see. Hm, I would think preeclampsia would be another good reason to monitor you, especially since the Foley could put you in active labor quickly and the physical stress could raise your blood pressure. I usually err on the side of letting my body do its own thing for pregnancy and labor, but this scenario would make me a little uneasy. :-S
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