Bathtime nightmare. *update*
I cant do this anymore. As some of you know im having trouble with my 3yo about bathtime. I used to at least be able to get him in the water. Well now I cant even mention bathtime without a fight. I swear he is going to make me lose all my children. I cant take it anymore. I am really a bad mother. I have to make him take a bath. Which means him screaming and splashing water everywhere. He now has red hand marks on his arm from trying to wash him and keep him from falling and craking his head open or drowning. Now my shoulder hurts like hell from the struggle. I hate hearing him scream. I hate fighting with him just to give him a dam bath. Hell, trying to change him is hard enough. I cant take it anymore. I even tried talking to him before but just the word sent him overbord. Im done, I cant do this. His behavior is horrible and hes only 3. I cant do it anymore. Im going to lose my children because of all his dam screaming.
Im sorry he has me so upset i cant even look at him. And i know thats a horrible thing to say. Its all from anger, frustration and pain.
@excitedforoctober @char @mommyof3girls
Had even tried to.bath with her to show her it was ok would her wash my hair with her shampoo to show it was harmless and now she is a fish
My moto has always been "a dirty kid us a happy kid" lol xxx
I think i need parentling classes or something. I am not perfect, i wish i could say i dont yell. Or spank on occation. But i cant. I have tried so many different ways to deal with my boys. But i have failed. My 3yo is worse but my 5yo isnt an angel by no means. Im just going to go to bed and cry. I see how so many people can handle there kids without spanking or yelling, and yet i cant do anything right by my kids, excrpt keep them alive and fed.
Good luck, as I can only imagine your frustration. He's not doing it to hurt you, please remember he's just a baby who's inexperienced in our world and is looking for guidance to learn things the right way. He is crying to tell you he doesn't like it, not to be defiant. Listen to his cues and body language. The more you force him, the worse the experience and the more frustration you'll experience. I say try the kitchen sink next time.
@mylove2 i will see if i can get him in to the dr. Maybe he can help. Lol.
You all have been great help. Im sorry i acted that way. I will try talking to him. But it might not help cuz i cant understand most of his words. Thank you @everyone its hard to get everyone tagged.
My step mom was so tired, she had no idea what else to do. So she got a small pool and she went in there with him, and she did it a few times a week. And little by little started bringing my brother in to the bathroom again until he grew out of that fear.
Its ok, it happens but you cannot give up. Try it and be consistent. He will come around.