when did your baby flip head down??

edited November 2012 in Pregnant
I'm almost 30 weeks and at the Dr today found out the baby is laying transverse :-( my daughter was locked and loaded by 24-26 weeks. He said it should happen by 28-30 weeks and then I said that's how far I am and to keep me calm he said its ok sometimes it can take until 33-34 weeks...ugh I'm nervous I could just see it in his face and he had to go on a scavenger hunt to find her hb...


  • I've hard of it not happening til women are in Labor. I would say don't worry about it til you are due. I know much easier said then done.
  • @smcox ive heard that also but thats worst case scenario from what ive read
  • I know they can try to do external aversions too. Try to externally turn the baby. But I wouldn't do that til you're in Labor to avoid a c section. I've heard of it working then the baby turning right back. Only do external, I think that's the safer choice, internal could seriously baby. I'm no Dr or anything! Just going off what I heard. You could also put something cold where his head is and warm where your pelvis is to try to get him to turn.
  • It's ok many times it happens at last minute. But it's ok to think about what options you would like to go with just in case. My daughter was sunny side up all the way until the end so I kept my opinions open but she turned at the perfect time :).
  • @smcox i wonder if they would give me an epidural before trying to turn her bc ive heard it hurts!!! @jules im just terrified of a c section and i had a dream the other night that i had to have one...ugh
  • I know the fear but it will be okay and as long as you and the baby are safe that's the important part. I know your worried and have all these things going through your head but I always tell myself that our worries wont solve the problem it gross me calm down I freak out about the smallest things though.
  • my baby is finally head down but not engaged at all! im due in 10days apparently common in second plus pregnancy?!
  • I'm not sure, but definitely worth asking! And even if you do end up in c section, I promise it's not as scary and horrible as it sounds!
  • Don't worry. My lo wasn't head down by 36 weeks..but she did flip. Also look at the SpinningBabies website...it has useful positions to try to get baby to flip
  • My second didn't turn til two days before...they were talking about a c section if he didn't turn, little bugger turned then my first and third were turned around 30 weeks.
  • We did external aversion at 37 weeks and nothing. I planned my c-section at that apt for 39 weeks. My dr did an ultra sound b4 to make sure my baby didn't turn, and in his words I was off to have my vaginal bypass surgery.
  • @char Bahaha! Vaginal bypass surgery! I love it!
  • My daughter.stayed head dow. From.29 weeks till she was.born
  • My friend was breech with both of her kids and was scheduled both times for a c section. The morning of, they flipped head down. You have time!
  • With subsequent pregnancies your uterus is sometimes more roomy and baby can move around more freely. Definitely look into spinningbabies.com and locate a chiropractor certified in the webster technique to help baby get into position. Worst case you can have external cephalic version as long as baby isn't in distress and you don't have high blood pressure or anything like that. They can give you something to make you more comfortable during ECV if needed.
  • Owen was breech until35 weeks. I did everything... got on my hands and knees I'm about 6 inches of hot water and shook my belly.. everything. One night laying in bed I was talking to him making him to please just turn mommy doesn't want a c section and I kid you not, it like my entire stomach moved and at the next appointment he was locked and loaded! just give it time mommy!
  • Mine didn't turn until laaaaaaate in pregnancy like 38ish weeks, I was expecting to give birth naturally to a breech baby but nope!
  • Good news!! She made the flip and is head down, we had an ultrasound tonight!! Now let's hope she stays that way :-) I know they can change!
  • I know at 33 wks or so my first was still head up but somehow moved into position before she came. My son always seemed to be head down lol
  • Around 35 weeks,
  • Actually he was head down but turned breech at 33 weeks and then turned head down again
  • mine is head down but still not engaged and hes due in 6days! have hospital appointment tomorrow where im sure they r going to book me in for a csection!
  • @denois why do u think c section?? Only because hes not engaged??
  • @ezrasmommy that's what I'm figuring will happen bc I know they don't always stay put. Transverse just made me nervous bc they tend to get very "comfy" that way and don't like to budge lol
  • i went for another scan this morning and baby is in transverse position so have been booked in for a section on friday morning 8am! am scared now as with my first it was an emergency csection after bein in labour for 36hrs this time iv got two dayd to think about it!!
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