really think its a girl...natures instinct?? UPDATE!!

edited March 2011 in First time moms
Anyone just knew with their womanly intuition the gender if their baby and then was WRONG???? :))) UPDATE : Took Intelligender test this morning and it came up as girl!!! It still could be wrong. We find out sex in 4 weeks. As much as I think it's a girl and want a girl, I was hoping test came out boy. I just am affraid at ultrasound if its a boy ima feel so weird because of my gut feelings being a girl. I'd rather have a "heads up" going in if its a boy. I really don't care if its a boy or a girl just my gut feelings are sooo strong. :)


  • A lady just told me about doing this. She was convinced it was a boy and it came out a girl. She had herself so convinced and was planning and talking to the baby and when it came out she felt sad like she had lost the other child. I would say keep an open mind!
  • I knew when I got preggo it was gunna b a gurl had dreams n yesterday u/s confimed it three little lines it was a gurl healthy at that never lose ur hope n go for it . :)
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  • I had dreams I was having a girl, and its a girl :) lol
  • I also had a dream I was having a girl and I found out Friday that I'm having a GIRL!!
  • Lol! So many girls!!
  • My aunt knew I was going to be the first one married and pregnant and now she's thinking its a boy. I'm thinking its a boy too. Probly wont find out for another 6 weeks tho :(
  • I had a dream a few weeks ago that we had a boy and we found out Friday that it is a boy.
  • I had a girl & boy dream?? But my best friend had a little boy that week so maybe that's why I had a boy dream? Idk!! I'm just ready to know already. Only a week & a few days to go (:
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  • I feel like mines a boy! But idk if it cause instinct or cause everyone says I am so now I think I am ... but I have girl dreams? I'm 12w 4d..
    Have awhlle to find out :(
  • I think I am having a boy, but everyone around me is having girls and all my friends think I am having a girl. UGH I cant wait to find out. 11weeks so still a long time to go. I still haven't had my first appointment is that weird? The Dr.'s set it so far out???
  • @Samantha some drs dont like to do one before 12 weeks just because at the first trimester a mc really cant be prevented. i never had a gender specific dream about my baby it was just a baby no gender i was convinced i was having a boy had the name picked out and everything i didnt pick a girls name till after the us but once i found out i was having a girl i was ecstatic i cant wait for my princess kailee to get here
  • I was so sure u was having a girl but i was wrong I'm 26 weeks with a boy!
  • @Rissalee7 Thank you, that would make sense. When I first found out I was so worried about a mc especially since I found out at about 9weeks, and most people know so much sooner. Now I am less worried and just wanna get to the Dr!
  • I hope my instincts are right!! :) as soon as I found out I was pregnant I freaked out because the girl name I had in mind all if a sudden didn't sound right to me. I had to ask my husband right away what he would name it if it was a girl even though he Loved the name I had in mind. Lol.:))
  • I had that girl name picked out since high school and he knew about it the first few months we dated.
  • I think I'm having a boy...but were wishing pink! Either way we would be Happy with a healthy baby:)
  • @Samantha when are you due?!
  • I had a dream it was a girl,, but everyone says its going to be a boy! Hopefully I find out this week :)
  • My instincts tell me its a boy, but i dream I'm having a girl lol i cant wait to find out! Everyone thinks I'm having a girl tho lol
  • This is my third and I was right with the first two but was convinced this one was a girl and had everyone but my husband convinced too but Nope the u/s showed he is definitely a boy.
  • I knew I was having a boy... I had dreams and kept calling him a him.. plus I started craving food his dad loves Haha it s weird
  • I had a dream that I was shopping for baby stuff and everything that I was looking at was blue and green. And I keep feeling like i'm having a boy because of my symptoms. I also did the gender predictor app on my phone which told me i'm having a boy. And I can't seem to find any girl names that I like, only boy names lol. Even though I would be very happy with a girl as well. I'm only 11 weeks so I won't find out for another 2 months :[
  • @aaronsarmywife Sept 24th. It could change though when I go to my first appointment. What about you
  • Omg so the dreams are real im not the only one? I had a dream two nights ago I was having a girl but I thought maybe I was to early to tell(3mths.) Or I thought it was beacuse I had held my babygirl cousin the day before....idk I was hoping for a boy but as long as he/she is in great health. Plus ive been seeing reallllllly cute girl clothes and for some reason my eyes always seem to spot them first :-/
  • With my 1st baby I knew she was a girl from VERY early on... but I kept dreaming she was a boy... but I KNEW it was a girl. Sure enough I was right. With this pregnancy however, I swore up and down it was a boy.. everything told me it was a boy... but I dreamed it was a girl.. and I named her Ava Shea.. (lol.. very silly I know) come to find out... it is indeed a girl. I really think it has nothing to do with instinct now. I thought 100% for sure it was a boy, and was wrong.
  • Intelligender came back Girl!!! We shall see!! 4 weeks till ultrasound!! :)
  • I never had any gender dreams but I did have the gut feeling that I was having a girl even at 4 weeks when I found out I was pregnant. I had an u/s at 19w and yep im having a beautiful lil girl. I think your instincts are usually right. <3 30w 4d <3
  • Instincts say boy for me..had a dream out was a 14 year old had a dream I delivered a toddler girl....and she insists I'm having a instincts were right with my two girls....we shall see....I'm a day shy of ten weeks
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