anyone have a pit bull with kids ??



  • Personally I feel like if you even have the slightest tiniest doubt regarding your children's safety, getting the dog just isn't worth it. Especially to pay up to 2k for a dog that may worry you. There have been so many horror stories in my city involving pits that they scare the crap out of me. Four years ago my bf and I were camping with friends and one of them brought his pit bull. I believe it was around 2 years old. We had been around this dog several times before and he was just running around the campsite like a normal dog. We were all petting him and so on. About 2 hrs into the day the dog snapped and tried to viciously attack my bf. He had to jump up on a car to get away from the dog and for the rest of the day while the dog was chained up EVERY TIME my bf got near him the dog would pull so hard on the leash that he would choke himself!! That's how badly he wanted to attack my bf. It was the strangest thing ever because the rest of us could still pet him and go near him. Now my bf doesn't like dogs but it's not like the dog had any reason to attack him. The only conclusion we could come to is that my bf ate a piece of steak, but so did everyone else. So I really don't know what the deal was. Basically all I'm saying is that animals can be very unpredictable, and pits seem to have that reputation more than any other dog. Call me crazy but I think there's a reason! Anyways, just be careful. You have 3 beautiful babies that just aren't worth the risk. (In my opinion).
  • If pit bulls did not have such bad media no one would fear them unless they had their own personal experience....So I disagree ^with your statement.....The reason is simple nasty people used them for nasty thing which in turn ruined their reputation with many.....All one can do is their research.....I do agree if you are nervous getting a dog period I would reconsider....if youre nervous and uncomfortable your dog will be nervous and uncomfortable just like babies they feel the vibes we give off :)
  • edited December 2012
    Well all I know is that aside from our personal experience, there have been many other awful stories close to home and I just don't think it's a risk I would take. But I'm a cat person anyways lol so I wouldn't get any dog. They drive me nuts.
  • @starrxoxo9 lol cats are much easier thats for sure lol
  • We are giving our opinion if we like the breed or not (I preferrably wouldn't have any dog inside around my kids) if you don't have anything nice to say except for "oh well blah blah you are wrong for not liking pit bulls or that's not a good enough reason to not like them" just don't say it. People are giving their personal experiences, they are not asking for judgement on that experience, or wanting questioned about it.
    If you feel comfortable doing it girl, go for it! I think its good you are asking people about them as well as doing research.
    @perly well said.
    I am not trying to start anything, I am just tired of seeing anyone who has had a bad experience with them made to look bad. Read their story and go on.
  • @pregoagainyay No, if it was only a "handful" of times then they wouldn't have the bad rep they have, that's ridiculous. I'm pretty sure, let's says Boston Terriers, have attacked a handful of times and they don't have a bad rep.

    Am I saying ALL pits are bad? NO. Would I have one with children in my house? NO. But that's just me.
  • @pregoagainyay No, if it was only a "handful" of times then they wouldn't have the bad rep they have, that's ridiculous. I'm pretty sure, let's says Boston Terriers, have attacked a handful of times and they don't have a bad rep.

    Am I saying ALL pits are bad? NO. Would I have one with children in my house? NO. But that's just me.
  • Thanks every one for ur opinions I'm researching an asking the breeders lots of questions I'm Callin another one today
  • @excitedforoctober youre entitled to your opinion as I am mine....The op asked for opinions and experience and I gave her some.....I stand by what I said DO YOUR RESEARCH before saying anything......that will be all......@proudmother1009 no one is saying anyone is wrong, I see people giving their experience so not sure where that came from but anywho I amongst others are a voice for those who cannot speak....I will not sit back and allow others to bash a breed when they MAY be going based on what the media tells us about these animals I am simply giving positive feedback.....if you dont like that then kindly keep it moving thank you :)
  • I don't need to research anything thank you very much, I go by the news I so often hear and by firsthand seeing how aggressive they act, that's enough for me.
  • edited December 2012
    I agree with @excitedforoctober there's no denying it. If someone has a pit bull no problem that's great, but of course people are going to be very wary of them after hearing story after story about how vicious they can be. It's just human nature.
  • And maybe not even just pits, any animal for that matter!
  • I just prefer to learn for myself.....Any responsible dog owner doesnt have these problems......Im not and cant say they are all wonderful I wouldnt say that about any animal.....Hell I have a cat that is a nasty SOB I dont trust him a 100% but I would never not own a cat based on HIS actions ya know? Thats all im trying to get across :)
  • That's why I added my second comment.
  • @pregoagainYAY i totally see your point. Like anything else, an opinion or judgement should be formed after being educated about the subject. Unfortunately it doesn't work that way most of the time. I would like to assume that after being attacked by a certain dog for no reason whatsoever, one would be hesitant about bringing a dog of that breed around a toddler. I mean, at the end of the day a dog is a dog and sometimes they do bite for a reason beyond our comprehension. You can be the best pet owner in the whole wide world, animals are and always will be unpredictable.
  • That they are @perly.....For god sakes I was attacked by (wait for it) a rooster when I was two.....I still wont go near those things lol hell I had one chase me when I was 25 O.o So I can understand ones apprehension :)
  • @pregoagainYAY i was given a female puppy chihuahua and i had her for 7 years. She gave birth 3 times, and i helped her cause she always had big puppies. The last time she gave birth was just like the two times before. I helped, and then moved her and the puppies to a clean dog bed with warm covers and everything. Tell my why she bit me when i was moving her to make her more comfortable. You would think she would allow me to move her since i had done it before. Its just things that happen, and i was lucky she was small but i can assure you i'd be scared as hell if it would've been a much bigger dog. Sometimes we let our human instinct over power us.
  • @pregoagainyay I couldnt agree more.
    @excitedforOctober the ACTUAL things people see or read occur no more often then with any other breed unfortunately the breed has a bad name and gets negative you know how many dog bites occur each day but are NOT on the news. I would also like to fill the room with ton of different breeds and prove that pits are mnot known for human aggression...period, its a proven fact!! Also 9 out of 10 pet owners are intelligent enough to know not to put yourself in the middle of two animals, a stick, bat, blanket fine but your legs...that's moronic. Do your research. @pearly its a forum that is open to opinions no one is out of line so I disagree this is not why the forum is closed.
  • I hear ya....they just get funny sometimes and we will probably never understood why :( I was going for a walk with my son when he was little, he was in a stroller.....This lady was walking her little white fluff ball (maltese) and as we were walking by he just lunged and bit my calf....hurt like hell and I had a wicked mark for awhile....I know so many things play into why a dog may snap environment, owner may be tense, loud noises etc I really think our stroller scared the crap out of the little guy :( I can remember being nervous when they were walking towards us idk why something just didnt feel right.....So now I always go by my gut instinct
  • @excitedforoctober did you seriously say that you go by news lol have you ever heard of more popular trending topics getting more coverage? If a pit bull bites and the same day two labs bite they will cover the pit amazing
  • @kenzie0713 You are 100% correct they are not labeled as having human aggression othe dog aggression sure maybe but thats any dog ya know? The media has truly damaged the Am Staff breed it is so sad and it breaks my heart
  • @kenzie0713 yes I actually did write that, I didn't think it was hard to read. They have a bad rep because they earned it, point blank.
  • @excitedforoctober hey they don't say ignorance is bliss for no reason and you should educate yourself before typing bc you are stating things that are not factual. It wasn't hard to read especially for someone who is educated. No need for your smart comments :-)
  • @kenzie0713 what is not educated about my comments? It SHOULD be pretty easy to understand, especially for an educated person like yourself. Oh let's see, maybe instead of saying "I've seen TONS of aggressive pits and have heard countless stories of them so I don't trust them around my children" I should say "Its ok, this article says they are safe so let me take these educating books out of my ass and let's put our kids in danger by risking it since the "experts" say its ok" Um NO.
  • I have 2 oldest is almost a year older then my daughter(14mths) and the youngest is 2 mth younger then my daughter. From my experience my dogs are great with her they just get too excited about trying to lick her. Our dogs are trained not to jump on people or get in people's face which they still apply to my daughter. She is always in arms length when she is around the dogs because i know how children can pester or hurt a dog to snapping. I would never leave my daughter unattended around any dog or animal whether it be my 60+lb pits or my parents 3+lb pomeranian because all animals that have teeth can do harm. And as a side note my mother and aunt have worked in animal control for 10 years and they have done bite reports on english bulldogs, chiuauas, great danes, huskies, etc....they have only done 2 pit bite reports in 10 years and both of them were over trained fighting dogs and pits outnumber people in their town 4 to 1 :-D
  • @excitedforoctober your an adult, please act like one. Have you even been told believe none of what you hear and only half of what you see? I am confident that when even the humane society, animal control etc defends this breed not being PEOPLE aggressive that I can believe it. Those findings are made based off of statistics, real numbers, real incidents. The thing you should take out of your ass is your head! I said in my last post that smart comments were unnecessary! If we can not have a normal conversation then I'm done.
  • @Math_Mommy & yes their temperament tends to decline quicker then most animals with age because they are more prone to hip dysplasia and bone and joint problems which would make anybody grumpy lol. From speaking to my vet my dogs will probably start declining at around 4 years of age.
  • @kenzie0713 Sooo let me get this straight...because I do not agree with you I am not acting like an adult? I am not a child, I don't LISTEN to you, who are you? If you come at me with your unnecessa ry smart ass comments I will pull my head out of my ass to give them right back to you. Ok so if ALL I hear is negativity about pits and all I see is negativity when I see them then guess what...that's enough for me to not like them. So if being an adult is putting your own opinions to the side because some BS "research shows" otherwise then for today I won't be an adult.
  • @kenzie0713 I applaud you! You took the words right out of my mouth :)
    @firsttimemommy0928 Your information was wonderful thank you so much for sharing btw my daughter was born 9/28 im assuming your child was too thats so cool lol <3
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