Not again...

edited December 2012 in Babies Health
Jack has his 4th ear infection :( His Dr is referring him to an ent to talk about tubes.


  • Poor Jack!! Hope the ENT can find a solution.
  • I'm sorry my Jaksyn is having the same problems, he is almost 15 months and has had 3 ear infections since summer. He is pulling at his ears again and upset... I'm not sure if it is teething but I'm thinking another ear infection, I'm dreading the doctors again.
  • Thanks ladies! They gave him a strong antibiotic to take until the referral goes through
  • Oh no..I'm sorry. :(
  • Oh no, poor baby! :( hope u can get some answers.
  • Aww man. I'm so sorry. Hopefully they can find a solution for him!!
  • Have you tried chiro? It's seriously the best prevention at ear infections. My kids have never had any.
  • oh noooooo poor lil guy hope he gets well
  • edited December 2012
    I have eustachion tube dysfunction. Meanuing my tubes are flattened instead of round. I have gone to a chiro since I was a kid, well over 20 years and I still got ear infections. I just got over a double one last month. By the time insurance agreed to tubes (my dad is military and they drug their feet), I was too old and tubes wouldn't work. So, now I get stuck taking antibiotics since all other attempts failed. Just letting you know the extreme side. My dad had a double ear infection so bad and was in Guam on a deployment. Again military drug their feet. He ended up with holes in his ears and had to have surgery to repair them. I hope Jack feels better asap.
  • @luvmy5 oh my. We are a military family and I hope they don't make him wait. I'll raise hell in the ent office. Me and Jack haven't slept the past 3 days because he's up all night crying. We both need our sleep and I hope the referral goes through quick.
  • Good luck! I will cross my fingers for you.
  • Day 4 of no sleep. I pray we get some tonight!
  • I think its a bunch of freaking bullcrap that they make these babies wait forever to get into a specialist when they have ear problems like that. It is just not fair to the baby (or the parent). I bet if the doctors or whoever had the same ear problems you bet your butt they wouldn't wait. Good luck hun. Poor jack :(
  • @Proudmother1009 I completely agree. I hope we get referred to the naval hospital because I think they will get to it sooner than a civilian Dr.
  • My nephew recieved them. They are military and he recieved them two weeks or so after diagnosis (I believe surgical ent was civilian too)... My daughters civilian ent had her in surgery one week after diagnosing her problem.. (Needed a tonsilectomy and adnoidectomy)
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