PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE... I need help. Should i or should i not....

edited January 2013 in Pregnant
My ob gave me the option of having my son circumcised and she also gave me pamphlets so that i could read on it and make a decision by my next appointment next month. Im literally torn. Im not sure what i want. I just feel so bad for my baby :'(
Anyone had her baby circumcised? What was it like the days after the procedure was done?


  • I had my son done. He was perfectly fine. Hubby went with him to get it done and Damien didn't even flinch. He healed with no problems. Just put Vaseline on it for a few weeks. Just don't get the bell method. If you get it done make sure it's the kind where they cut it there and baby goes home with nothing on him. With the bell poop and stuff can get stuck in it and cause infection.
  • Most are and they all service just like we all service being prego and having kids and just everything else we do :). Plus it's better for their health in the long run. It heals pretty fast. Oh but make sure they don't cut all the skin I guess as they grow, it's better to have that extra little bit of skin. I mean they know that but just so you can bring it up just in case.
  • My son had his done. He didnt do too well after (screamed alot) and it tore me apart but the next day he was fine and even though it was hard for me I dont regret it and will most likely do it again if I have another boy.
  • My son had it done in the hospital before they sent us home. He was asleep the whole time and it healed up in a couple of days. Just cover it with Vaseline so it doesn't stick to the diaper. I think it's for the best and would totally do it again if I had another boy.
  • Mine had his done, just keep it nice and covered he was fine
  • My son had it done, went super smooth. It took a week to heal, not hard to care for at all. It is hard to know what's going to happen but I think its for the better.
  • My son had it done, he slept. Had no issues. His father wanted it done so I didn't think much of it. I know some people are super against it.
  • Had my son done my husband insisted. We did it at doctor office no problems make sure you Vaseline it good and Tylenol for any discomfort
  • edited January 2013
    My son didn't have his done. We didn't feel it was "medically" necessary. I didn't want to put him through that pain. I've heard horrible stories and I've also heard people say it went smooth.
  • If i have a son i have no choice but to do it religious wise.
  • My ob would be doing the procedure the next day after the baby is born. The pamphlet said that they only take off the skin around the head and that's it. I spoke with one of the nurses that works there, and my ob delivered her baby and also had him circumcised and she said that the swelling came down the next day and he was completely healed 8 days after.
    I think im nervous about putting him through that pain. My husband says i should do it because it'll be easier for him to keep it clean.
  • edited January 2013
    My husband and I were both for it. Husband is son got his done when he was about 2 wks old. Something about how they wait for babies to gain their baby weight back before they do it. Took about 10-15 minutes for the procedure. He didn't even cry. He cried more with his shots. I thought I wouldn't be able to handle it but there was only a tiny bit of blood. He completely healed after about 1 wk

    Personally I got it done because I think its more sanitary. I don't care if others think differently. To each their own. :)
  • I had my son's done and he was absolutely fine. Right after he got it done he slept, and wasn't really interested in eating. A couple hours later he was fine, took a week to heal.
  • @Perly, how does your hubby feel about it? My husband is circumcised and he insisted our son be circumcised as well. I was for it anyway but since I don't have a penis it was nice to have his opinion.
  • Never mind, I just saw your comment :)
  • @frantastic my husband is not circumcised, but he says i should do it. He says it'll be easier for him to keep it clean especially once he's older and his body starts changing and he starts "exploring". Im leaning towards it, im just scared of how painful it might be to him.
  • My son had it and had no problems at all. He was in the nicu so he had it day 4 and slept through the whole thing. No swelling and no crying or pain. (He was not on meds in nicu at all either) Though he never lost any weight after birth due to the fluids they had him on (Like a sugar electrolyte solution) and I attempted to bf while we were there...
  • My son had his done and he was fine. Make sure after it heals you keep pulling the skin back on it (as if you would a non circ baby boy to clean it) because just like any “wound" it will heal and can possibly have the skin try to heal over the head of the penis and then it will require surgery to fix.
  • I've heard good and bad things I did not choose to do my son due to his everything that could go wrong would state from the moment I went into labor at 35 wks.

    Make sure its your choice though not outside source. Mother's intuition is there for a reason

    Good luck
  • @soon2b3 im probably going to do it. Its just the over protective mom in me that's showing a little lol. Just like any other mother, i don't want my baby to have any kind of pain... but i know it'll be better for him in the long run.
  • edited January 2013
    @brodysmamma NEVER pull the skin back on an uncircumcised baby.
  • He will be ok and won't Remember it. Unlucky my husband whose parents were stupid and didn't get it done when he was newborn so he had it done when he was 10 and remembers everything plus it takes longer to heal the older they are.
  • I had my son done he did fine no problems at all
  • I'm having it done its better now that their little but drs haven't asked me anything yet I think I'm due b3 u
  • Umm I never once had to pull any skin back on my circumsized son..... And you definitely don't do it on an uncircumsized boy!
  • @jules- I don't necessarily think that makes them "stupid". It's a personal choice.
  • Well I don't think people that don't do it in general are stupid. But his parents were just not ready for children in general and didn't do anything to take care of them. I guess I can see how that sounds wrong since I didn't explain earlier. They are druggies to make long story short..@juliansmommy
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  • scientific research on it
  • @bahamamama4828 thank you! Im looking into it now.
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