pregnant and streseed

I just got engaged last month on my birthday an found out Saturday i was pregnant with baby # 4. And my husband to b isn't sure how to feel we are both full time college students an this is a complete suprise he said he isn't made but don't want to keep it wants me to consider adoption but i wanna keep it an i can't talk to my family they will flip since my youngest is one and I'm still suffering from serious depression i can't handle stress i just need love an support.

please no negativity


  • U already have 3 kids? Honestly one more isn't going to be that huge of an added stress... In my eyes anyhow. Do what u want to do. Youre obviously a very strong woman. You can do whatever u want!!! Just keep positive.
  • I agree. You will be fine plus I really think starting out with an option will not be best thing for you and your family in the long run. I don't think God ever gives us more then we can handle. You will do great!
  • I agree, once you hit 3 kids adding one more isn't as stressful. Tell him you can't just give up your own flesh & blood. Hopefully he's just in shock & will come around soon.
  • I think adoption would be a terrible option for you. First, because you do not want to and second, because you are already suffering from depression. That will most likely break you emotionally. Adoption is a very difficult thing for someone to do and will affect you and your family forever. I think you guys can do this!
  • I read on your due date buddy post that y'all do want to have a baby after the wedding... so why would you put this baby up for adoption? The baby is still both yours and his, it just happens to be that he got here sooner than planned.
    Don't think that Im trying to judge you or point fingers at you because Im not. I really do mean this in the nicest way... don't do anything that you will regret later, especially if you want it. This baby was sent to you for a reason, and you know that... that's why you want to keep it. If your fiancee loves you, he will stick around and support you on whatever you decide even if he doesn't agree.
  • Well we talked an he said whatever i pick he is ok with it thanks ladies
  • That's great news!
  • I'm sure things well wrk out fine later congratulations
  • Im stressed and pregnant with number 4 also and its hard but we all survive I was not expecting this baby but after all thoughts it will be our joy just as the other 3 so good luck
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