How is it a No!?

edited February 2013 in Getting pregnant
Ok so this month I decided to buy an ovulation kit to see if it would help it's a digital clear blue had 20 tests in it. On the directions it said to use starting day 6 of your cycle and do it first thing in the morning. I've been doing that..according to my apps IM either ovulating today and one says tom. But either way shouldn't I get that stupid smily face by now. Plus my cervix has been super high and soft for two days that's why I've just been following my heart and having sex. I sure hope this thing is wrong or it works tom or I'm doing something wrong. Cause I'm confused on why it's not working. Anyone else ever use these it's my first time please tell me your experience I really think this thing is broken or something...@val I know you used these before any tips maybe I'm doing it wrong or its broken lol or I'm going to be ovulating way later I don't know.


  • I was wondering this also I think were on the same page but I was wondering if the app was right cause I been having sex on my ovulation and still nothing I never took what ur tooking but I hope u get it right sry no help
  • edited February 2013
    Are you using a ovulation kit as well? Well I know in for sure very fertile or ovulating later on today my cervix went from super high like it's supposed to when you're fertile to dropping like crazy today and I have a lot of cervical mucus very stretchy egg white. It's ovulation by the book. And I'm sorry in confused on the last part. About me taking something I'm pretty sure your talking about the tests :). And Ebay apps are, you using cause I have my days with I used with my daughter it worked the first time and this time I also have pink pad but they are pretty much the same and right on track according to what my body is going it's just stupid the tests aren't working.@Roxy
  • yea I'm talking about the test ur taking and no I'm not taking those test the app I got is period tracker but oh yea u are ovulating when u have the clear liquid I dnt know much of this stuff I dnt even think I ovulate when the app says so LOL BTW how do u know when ur high and low ur cervix
  • @Roxy well right before ovulation on your most fertile days it's supposed to be high.And u can only test by feeling it. Then during ovulation it will drop and have little opening for sperm to Swim through.
  • wow u know a lot huh lol
  • @Roxy well I've done some research and just from asking people on here. All of it can be interesting. Oh and of your pregnant before your period your cervix will go back up but if you're not and your period just comes like normally then it will be low and open to let everything out. But some women there cervix doesn't go up until little later in the pregnancy...soo that's interesting :)
  • Are you testing more than once a day?? I was testing 3times a day around cd 12 n forward.. id ususally get my smiley face at night
  • edited February 2013
    Well I've done twise a day couple of times maybe I'll try again today since it's later now I just have to wait I used the restroom not to long ago and it says on the box it's best to not have watered down.. Or to not drink extra water just to treat...what do u think? @Val
  • nice to know good advice
  • @Roxy it is kinda cool to know ha. Plus it's nice to have everyone on here from personal experience and the amazing things we can just research now days that's when technology has its plus side!
  • yup..... I think info like this gives hope to ladies that have a hard time trying to have babies like my self with my son hope its not hard this time around
  • Exactly! But u want to follow your heart more and not let these things stress you out. Did u have hard time with your son? And u are trying again now? @Roxy
  • yes I did took us 6 years then came my miracle baby. we do want another baby we r just not preventing it to not have a baby if it happens it happens but when I notice its taking longer then I expected then I well b trying everything so I can have a baby
  • Oh my goodness that it's long time IM sure you were super excited once it actually happened! I was that way with my daughter one month we decided were not going to prevent it anymore and if it happens that's great. Well it happened the first month. So I'm sure it won't take too long. But I'm still wanting it not too take too long..
  • Good luck I hope you get your possitive soon! :X
  • @Mylove2 thank you! I hope so too... My body is confusing me and I sure don't like it and now that my husband is starting his new job there's not going to be much time for baby making between work and commuting so I hope it happened this month but I won't know until the end of the month. I'll let you know though :) the encouragement helps very much though thank you again!
  • @jules did you ever get your positive opk?
  • @jules I couldn't believe it I was so happy but scared at the same time people well tell me b careful cause the first 3 months were risky I think I was mostly scared threw the hole thing intill he came it was a releaf. so its taking longer for u this time around?
  • @morgdeebee well after what I think was me having fertile days and ovulation and my cervix came down so I stopped doing the tests. Because we been traveling and my husband working a lot. Soo since I knew we weren't going to have sex anyways and km pretty sure I ovulated. Soo hopefully my apps and I were right and I get positive test at the end of the month! My period is supposed to start on the 24th so will see!
  • @Roxy ya I would be too! soo ya with my first it happened right away. Last month is when we actually decided to try but he was working which means traveling so just wasn't the best timing. Soo this is fist month that we might have good chance because I think we did it on the right days lol. So will see soon hopefully it happens just as fast!
  • Good luck, I hope this is your month! I was having symptoms so I took an early results tests 3 days before af was due. I was surprised it worked so early, maybe it will work for you! :)
  • @wilsomom I hope hope it works for me too :). What symptoms were u having?
  • Well I was having mild pms type cramps but my period was 1.5 weeks away. My boobs started getting a tad sore, & then I was having to pee more often. Oh & a tiny bit of queasiness.
  • @wilsomom I see... How far along do u think u are right now? I wouldn't be able to tell cause I get soar boobs before some periods and my medicine makes me sick to my stomach some morning like yesterday but it's not very often. And I already pee a lot lol so I wouldn't know signs until I took test. I'm very happy for you though! Hope you're feeling well today :)
  • Thank you! :)I'm guessing between 4 & 5 periods are 35 days apart so it's hard to know exactly. Pg symptoms are so much like pms!
  • edited February 2013
    Oh that's a lot further then I was going to guess especially since u tested pretty early. And your right they are like pms and most women are soo different with even ovulation and fertility signs and they can change soo fast. And I'm opposite of you my cycles are very short the last one was 25 days so I don't think I can test so early cause it would only be 2 weeks after ovulation at most.
  • The pregly app says I'm 4wks & 4 days. It's probably not right though because that's just based on my last period. I'm confused !! Lol And these cramps are so weird & getting worse, I've never had these before! If your periods are short then you probably can't test early like you said. I hope you are so we can be belly buddies! :)
  • @wilsomom well now days they always count from our period that's what the doc will tell you until an ultra sound is done. I hope the cramping settles down for you. Just remember different doesn't mean bad so don't stress too much. I hope I am too. according to my app I'm supposed to start on the 22 or 23. Soo will see what happens I want to be buddies!
  • OK u berly started trying well for us I got off birth control Oct 25 2012 LOL I know the day cause my son turn one it well b 4 months almost. I just pray I can have another baby if not right now someday
  • @Roxy yes hasn't been very long of trying I just don't want it to take too long especially since my husbands new job he can be gone for weeks in row. But I'm sure you well get pregnant soon cause your just letting it kinda happen right? Or you been actively trying since then?
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