How is it a No!?
Ok so this month I decided to buy an ovulation kit to see if it would help it's a digital clear blue had 20 tests in it. On the directions it said to use starting day 6 of your cycle and do it first thing in the morning. I've been doing that..according to my apps IM either ovulating today and one says tom. But either way shouldn't I get that stupid smily face by now. Plus my cervix has been super high and soft for two days that's why I've just been following my heart and having sex. I sure hope this thing is wrong or it works tom or I'm doing something wrong. Cause I'm confused on why it's not working. Anyone else ever use these it's my first time please tell me your experience I really think this thing is broken or something...@val I know you used these before any tips maybe I'm doing it wrong or its broken lol or I'm going to be ovulating way later I don't know.