No vaccines

edited February 2013 in Babies Health
Ok moms that do not vaccinate... Can you please give me information or links to credible information backing up your reasons. My son is 16 months old and is up to date on his vaccines so far. However, I am miserably starting to regret this decision. He is being tested now to rule out autism. At this point (since he is so young) they are leaning more towards a sensory processing disorder. I've started doing a little research about vaccines and I am just shocked!! I feel like I was not made aware of the risk and I am upset with myself for not looking into this prior. Even if autism was not a factor...I still can't believe what all I am reading!

Any information is welcomed!


  • @bahamamama4828 @captivated Can definitely help too. I'm sorry about your son, that's horrible news! I hope everything turns out ok.
  • Autism IS listed as a side effect in the vaccine package inserts of many of the vaccinations. A good documentary to begin with is the Greater Good. This documentary is what started my immense research and I eventually went from a very pro vax medical professional to no longer vaccinating my son. Begin with this, package inserts and checking out each and every disease you are vaccinating for. All of these diseases are easily preventable with a healthy diet and lifestyle. Our bodies are meant to fight these illnesses and vaccines are proven to NOT equate to immunization, but rather immune suppression. To top it off, these diseases are rarely deadly. You're not going to find "credible" anti vax sources on government and CDC type websites. You can, however, see the outbreaks, the rarity of these illnesses and VAERS cases of children and families that have been vaccinated. 20% of Americans no longer vaccinate their children. That's a huge number nowadays and should give you a huge hint. Vaccines are a profit industry. Everything is tracked back to the money. Prolong all vaccinations until you have educated yourself further. Keep in mind, you can always vaccinate later. You cant un-vaccinate.
  • @captivated thank you. My husband and I agreed earlier this week that we were stopping any further vaccines until we have done more research. Thank you for your information.

    @bahamamama4828 yes I do have a FB name is crystal Castaner
  • edited February 2013
    Correlational analysis of many studies show that there MAY be a correlation between vaccinating and autism. It is NOT confirmed, as there are way too many confounding factors that may also contribute to ASD. Many studies show a multitude of compounding factors, so vaccinating in itself MAY NOT be the cause of ASD.

    I think before you delve into this topic you should have a plan, otherwise you'll get overwhelmed and confused. Educate yourself on every aspect, not just those that have an aim on autism. It is very easy to lose track of your goal. Also keep a list of your references, always check the source for credibility and most importantly the funding source for the particular study in question.

    Good luck!
  • The vaccine book by dr. Sears. The ingredients alone were enough to scare us. Not to mention how many they have to get at once, side affects, and the labels on a lot of packages vaccines come in. Things they tell us not to put in our bodies, like aluminum and formaldahyde, they out in these vaccines. No thank you.
  • @mijita thank you. Like I said...even if autism isn't a factor with my son since we still don't know if indeed he will be diagnosed, it is still scary reading all of the side effects. Obviously, this is what prompted my initial research. I just can't believe what all is in vaccines and all the possible side effects. This is just crazy.
  • It is an eye opener, isnt it? Very happy to see parents wake up to this. I am so proud of you!
  • Did you know that the doctor that was doing these so called studies was sentenced to prison for flawed studies and stealing money? Interesting.
    Also, I cant find you on fb! Find me! Tara D Foster
  • edited February 2013
    Here are some awesome links (for hib), but she has them for all vax.
  • Thank you @ captivated and bahamamama4828. Yes I did see that about the doctor! How can you trust him??? What a joke!
  • The worst person you can ask advice for in regards to vaccines is a doctor. They are highly indoctrinated and profit too much off of vaccines. Your best bet is to research on your own and weigh the risks of each disease and each vaccine. :) Good luck on your journey!
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