My lo is almost 9 months old and still isn't even coming close to sleeping through the night. My first was bottle fed so its new all over again. Can anyone help out with info or ideas? Thanks in advance.
Mine didn't sleep better until I weaned him. You can try a bottle or sippy for one feeding during the night to try to break the night time comfort nursing.
AJ didn't sleep thru until I weaned him. Now he wakes up about 1-2 hours after bed I pick him up put him back to sleep (heusually needs a drink of water) and he sleep the rest of the night
I just feel I'm never gonna be able to stop breast feeding. I enjoy it but would be okay with stopping in the near future but I also have no idea how to wean her.
My daughter was b-fed until she was 14 months old but pretty much always slept at least 8 hrs at night and at about 11 months I started giving her a good sized bottle of goats milk before bed and I pumped, just to get her more used to dairy before she made the switch but it also helped her sleep..
They do sell goat milk in the grocery, but in my opinion it doesn't taste near as good as fresh. In fact Ollie won't touch the grocery one. We found a farm in the area that sells their goat milk fresh.
now that I think about this my son sleeps threw the whole night as long as I'm there with my boob I wonder how it well be when I stop bf what then when he wakes
They have it at some grocery stores, I usually buy it from sprouts, sunflower market or vitamin cottage natural grocers because they are cheaper than the grocery stores for certain items like that
When you stop breast feeding.... When I fully stopped 2 weeks ago he had slept thethru the might 2 days later. He's 9 months. He finally gets full enough during the day I guess. I produced pretty well too, I still have frozen milk so ge has one breast milk bottle a day and formula in the rest.
They do sell goat milk in the grocery, but in my opinion it doesn't taste near as good as fresh. In fact Ollie won't touch the grocery one. We found a farm in the area that sells their goat milk fresh.