skin test today (didn't like at all)

edited March 2013 in Babies Health
took my son to he's allergic Dr. today they did a skin test witch I though they were gonna rub certain stuff on he's skin to see what he's allergic too. boy was I wrong they did 20 pokes on he's back and at every little test had a thing to poke into the skin to get to he's blood. my son was crying and I was mad didn't like this test at all but I knew it had to b done well out of 20 he reacted to 9 well get the results on the 1st with the blood work results too here's some pics of he's back



my lil guy


  • Yeah, that's how that test works =\
    Your doctor didn't tell you about the test?
  • yes but they were gonna rub on he's skin that's how he described it to me : (
  • Yeah, my son's had to do it quite a few times. It's no fun. Hopefully the results will help you manage his allergies better though.
  • @roxy that's weird that they told you the test would be performed one way and it was done another way. At least its out of the way.
  • He looks happy in the last picture! And very cute too. :)
  • We had to do it with my son too. Luckily he was only 4months so he didn't even flinch. We also had to leave stuff on his back with tape on it for three days. Couldn't bath him or anything. Sorry, how he feels better soon!
  • You don't have to do a skin test. Chiros offer muscle testing @littlefae did it with her son
  • Oh no poor thing :( I'm glad this will help in the long run though
  • Yes, I did muscle testing with our church (which when researched has begun to show to have the same results as blood testing and is none evasive)

    I was able to find out all of my son's allergies and in tolerances, got those out of my diet and his and he improved almost a 100 percent. I say almost because we occasionally have an accidental ingestion of an offending food. Mainly when something is cross contaminated.

    I hope your lo begins to improve now. It's not easy seeing them not feeling well and having to pretty much play detective and figure out what all is causing the problems.
  • @Wilsomom gonna b glad to know now
    @perly I know right and very glad its done already
    @smcox four months what made u guys test? yours was done different that's wierd
  • @Bahamamama4828 never heard of that
  • @jules I know just wish he didn't have to deal with this
  • @LittleFae how is the testing done? all I know of he's allergies is dairy its gonna b a surprise what eles it can b I eat dairy and still breastfeed should I stop he has no reaction to it
  • Ya I can't imagine being there I still don't like my lo getting shots its hard to watch I always feel soo bad
  • We tested cuz he was still colicky at four months old so the pedi wanted to make sure it wasn't from something around him or in his formula. We did the pricking one too (had like 16 rows of pricking), but also did one where they left food and stuff tapped to his back.
  • @smcox oh I see... wow that's crazy how they left the food. that had to be more harder
  • @roxy
    If you are bf then yes you need to go completely dairy free. Even hidden dairy and beef until all symptoms are gone, then retry beef. (since my lo is allergic to the actual protein he can't even eat beef.)
    When I'm on the computer later I'll send you a link of a list of all hidden dairy since it goes under many different names. I had to cary it around with me for a while.
    And I'll also provide a link of the muscle testing.
    It will sound very strange and unbelievable on how it works. And I was a huge skeptic. But I tried it, andit wworked soo much better then anything else. It didn't harm him in anyway. And I can have him retested every few months to see if he out grows anything. Which he has some. He had a huge list of allergies.
  • @littlefae can you please tag me too? My son is allergic to dairy and is slowly out growing intact protein intolerance. I would love to know more about muscle testing.
  • @Jaxmommy81011 & @Roxy

    here is a link giving a simple explanation on how it works, along with its name, Applied Kinesiology. You will find articles both saying it works, and that its a crock and scam. I wasn't expecting anything from it, but was so desperate at the time that I was willing to try anything. Our Pedi had failed us, our GI specialist was a waist of time and lots of money, and we couldn't get to see an allergist because our pedi was convinced that he was allergic to my actual breast milk and wanted me to put him on formula. ... yeah... that is so far from the truth if you pedi ever says that then find a new one. That is one thing they test for when the baby is born with the heel prick. Its a very rare condition. I knew my son was just reacting to foods that I was eating but was getting no help with how to find out which ones. I went on the TED diet (total elimination) and still he was having horrible reactions. A long long list of reactions, the worst was the blood in his poop.

    I broke down crying to my friend, who was also my doula, and she recommended her chiropractor (who is now ours) who does the muscle testing. And we went. Turns out, he was allergic to the oats I was eating in oat meal, along with a huge list of other things. Once I took the oats out, he started to clear up right away (I had already taken dairy, soy and a whole lot of other stuff out). So, seeing it work with my own eyes, and actually getting the help for my son that he needed, made me a believer. We just did some testing yesterday and he still comes up for Dairy, soy and gluten. But his long long list of other foods have all gone away.

    here is a list of hidden dairy, Casein is a big big big trigger for dairy allergies so definitely keep an eye our for Casein.

    Also remember, Dairy and Soy proteins both can linger in the body for several weeks, so it might take a week or two before seeing any results.
  • @LittleFae thanks so much for the info. my question is I been breasfeeding him since birth eating all my dairys I haven't seen any reaction from breast milk. do u really think now I should cut out my dairy if its not a problem. its only when he gets contacted with dairy he gets a reaction to it
  • Thank you so much :)
  • @roxy I would. Just because it could be affecting him in ways you don't realize.
    Is he gassy? How is his poop? Does he have eczema? Is he fussy? Is he often congested with a lot of mucus or seems to get colds and ear infections a lot? Does he spit up a lot? Does he get a lot of diaper rashes?
    If yes to any of those (and those are the ones I can think of off the top of my head) than I would say take the dairy out. If he is truly having issues with dairy outside of breast milk then he is probably having reactions to what you are eating. It just might not be so obvious
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