Oh shit



  • @jules are you underweight any?
  • edited March 2013
    @mummy_to_be that's sooo weird I wonder why they aren't working for either one of us but it does help me feel better that someone else had similar experience with the opk and still got pregnant. Did u end up stop using them I'm thinking if it doesn't happen this month Iguess there's no reason to keep buying anymore opk just try our best. I think since u had to wait last time to test its probably the same thing and couple days of waiting would be good especially since ur getting the positive opk I think that's big sign for u. Keep me updated :)
  • @perly yes I am but I've always been very small and when I concieved my daughter I was only like 7 pounds heavier which I guess is a lot for someone my size but I'm very healthy and I've been trying for year now to put some weight on and trying to do it in healthy way and tried the unhealthy way for little which I didn't want to do too long but nothing works. I eat more then my hubby sometimes lol lot of times and his not like crazu fat but his big man lots muscle mass so I don't know what else to do :(
  • @jules I just calculated that I would ovulate on the 14th day do that's what I went buy n I was lucky. Also I used the maybe baby (friend lent it to me) but that was a little confusing. I fell pregnant the first month I tried so after like my 16day in my cycle I stopped using them.
  • @jules maybe you should try taking prenatals (in case you're not taking any). I know that 7lbs over your ideal weight is not a lot but its still a difference from where you are now. Maybe you don't necessarily need to gain weight, maybe you just need extra help with vitamins. I've heard that doctors recommend taking prenatals while ttc.
  • edited March 2013
    @mummy_to_be I've never heard of that but I normally just follow my app which also calculates about the 14th day being the ovulation day that's the only thing I did with my daughter only took one cycle as well I guess I got lucky this time its not going as well.

    @perly I've been taking them for long time I took them with being pregnant with my daughter then while breastfeeing since I needed everything to help and then continued taking them also bc I wanted one right away since my daughter was born but only actually been trying since january. I think its important to take them while tcc in case u do u don't miss like 2 to 3 weeks without them which is imprtant since the first 7 to 10 weeks are very important in the babies development . I mean I don't look unhealthy since I'm not I mean I don't have any weight issue and never have I'm happy with the way god made me I guess its just not happening its hard though cause I really want another and my hubby as well and it would be amazing for scarlett have sibling closer in age ya know. Plus I love chilren in general and am blessed to be able to stay home with my lo
  • @jules oh ok. I wasn't trying to say you're not healthy or anything like that, i was just trying to say that maybe its not your weight, maybe you just needed vitamins. But yeah i know your frustration. I didn't actively ttc, i just stopped my BC in December 2011 and just kinda kept a mindset of "if we get pregnant, good. If not, then good too. Whatever happens, we're ready." However, i was expecting to get pregnant right away because i was at a healthy weight and it just wasn't happening. I kept wondering "what's going on?" because like anyone else, i was thinking it would happen when i was at my healthiest. Well it took me 8 months to finally get my bfp and i got it right when i had just put on most of the weight i had lost. Pretty weird huh?

    But honestly, it could be anything. I mean, they do say that after the first pregnancy, our bodies change so much that they never go back to "normal".
  • Prenatals are great for TTC, however its a common misconception that it is for baby. Prenatals are for you and to replenish the nutrients baby takes from you :) Without prenatals, baby is going to get all of the same nutrition from your body. Bones, teeth, etc. Your body will pull it to provide the LO. I never actually took them with my pregnancies because of the sickness. not taking them now either. Folic acid isververy important though. good luck!!
  • @perly oh I know u weren't trying to say I'm unhealthy lol I was just saying I'm confused cause I know I'm small but I'm healthy ya know. But I know my body did change a lot so your right about that. That how I am this month cause I tried keeping track of everything didn't work then I tried the ovulation kits they haven't worked for me. So now I'm just bummed out and I don't really have much of an option but to keep taking my vitamins and being healthy and hoping for the best. Acourding to my app af will be here the 28th I don't feel anything so she probably be here soon.

    @captivated thank you I'm glad I'm taking them I mean they are vitamins after all the things our bodies can't use or doesn't need we will just pee out so its not hurting me to take them. Ill just continue and hopefully it won't be too long. It sure isn't easy being patient and keeping up hope but I'm trying my best :)
  • @jules well i hope that you get that bfp soon. Im sure its just your body taking its time.
  • @perly thanks I hope so too my body is taking way too much time lol my patients was gone long ago cause after we had my daughter we haven't been using any protection and she's gonna be 16 months on the 12th but I've only been trying since january and making sure we do it during my fertile wondow so feels like forever or that something is wrong since we haven't been preventing it for soo long ya know. If it doesn't happen maybe I can research some natural ways to help like foods and I know they have all natural vitamin to help with cm and therefore makes u more fertile and ovulation. Maybe I need that
  • @captivated that's very interesting I'm glad u explained that. I don't take mine neither. Always wonder if it was for baby or me. But I also eat alot of things that hold folic acid.
  • I just noticed something. When I went for a blood test to confirm my pregnancy with mj the lady told me I was pregnant. I said why's that. She said your veins are all poking out in no time. The test came back negative yet i was pregnant. So firstly I may have very low hcg. Secondly, jut sitting here I noticed the veins where you would get a blood test, are all popping out. Hmmm. Also I'm really hot. Like when your hungover and your skin feels all puffy and hot.
  • edited March 2013
    Ok more new facts. I'm going crazy haha. Well I just looked up Internet cheapies and came across the one I use to find out I was pregnant with my last baby. My first baby, I didn't even test until I was 6 weeks. I looked up the fact on these tests and most state that they are 10miu, a couple say 15miu and one says 25miu. When I got my positive, not even a camera picked it up. Next day I did another, same faint line. Doc did one and said I'm not pregnant. The next day, I did a frer and it came up extremely faint too. Next day it was darker and I took that test to another doctor and he said yes. I started these tests the day of or after my period was due. I found out the tests I have been doing are 25miu.... I was due for af today or yesterday. I think I will have to get a pack of frer if I don't get af soon. If I am, and it's te same as last time, I should be getting a faint positive this weekend
  • So I did a test at 6.30am. Was negative. An hour later I came back. It's a light positive. Your not ment to look at it after 10mins but I have kept all the others and none have come up with a light line. This same thing happened with mj. I had a dream Last night that it came up positive
  • Sounds like it may be positive & you just ovulated later or your hcg just isn't very high yet. Try again in a couple days I guess. How are you feeling?
  • I'm starting to feel a cold coming on :( otherwise just cramps and nothing else ATM. Yeah I only got a very faint positive around 16-17 on a last pregnancy and this one is a 25miu and I'm 16dpo. Lol that's if I even ovulate when I think I do...
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