@stella a few years ago I tried it and I was so very lucky. I had no idea about all the side effects. But I did know what it felt like and it was enough to make me say oh no way man. It is truly incredibly scary and it changes people
@lovinmy4 glad that it scared you enough that you decided it wasn't worth it. Drugs do change people and spice is especially scary.I will never understand people and there need to do drugs tried weed once it made me do sick i never did it again. I had a boyfriend in highschool that did shrooms on a regular basis. The one time his friend was so *ucked up that he walked into the wall for hours trying to follow a green guy into the wall. What is so appealling about that i will never understand.
Hair follicle testing can show drug usage back to years prior. This is why they don't do hair follicle testing as it doesn't show present usage. @wilsomom
You could be clean for a year plus and still have a positive on a hair follicle test.
Oops, no I was wrong. It can go back to 90 days from what I just read. I guess I was misinformed. These tests are insanely expensive. It is unlikely they will do this kind of testing. However, you can get one done for him and pay out of pocket. I would highly recommend it. They show positives three times more than urine screens because it is almost impossible to tweak these tests!
You could be clean for a year plus and still have a positive on a hair follicle test.