Jack is learning so many new words lately! I knew he would start talking when he was ready. He now says mama, dada, no, uh oh, and yea. He also knows what a dog says and knows where his nose is.
Thats great! How old is he now? Scarlett just started to count with her number video she does 1,2,3,4 and then 10 so funny... She's big babbler none stop but not too many big words. Just mamma, pappa, baba, up, hi, no, aww lol. She's 16 months now.
My son is 17 months too and rambles sounds but not many words. He says nana or banana, uh oh, mama, and dada but only when he really feels like it. He understands pretty much everything we tell him and can point at body parts...stuff like that. He just will not talk
That's awesome! My 18 month old doesn't say much, but he put together his first 2 word sentence yesterday. I was eating & he said "bite MEEEEE!" while raising his hand enthusiastically....I'm always saying who wants _____, raise your hand....so I guess he caught on. Lol