I'm 38weeks I have 15 days to...but if he decides to come any time after the 15th I'm OK with that...my mom is flying in on the 15th to attend his birth.
Aw that's really awesome. My mom will be watching via live from heaven. @mommy2two@angelmonkeymelody it will be here before you know it. I go to bed everynight hoping that contraction will start. @perly Im feeling ok took a nap earlier with Isaiah. Now I'm waiting on my daddy to call. he is making meatloaf for dinner.
That's good. I think i told you that the baby was putting a lot of pressure on my pelvis so that makes me tired but other than that i feel good too. Just playing the waiting game now lol. Do you have everything ready or do you still have some stuff to get done?
@Stephforever89 dont you wait to long to pack that bag lol youll end up like me, rushing to the hospital with no bag, and having to rely on your hubby to remember everythibg you need lol...cant wait to hear your labor story!! Good luck
Oh me too...kept saying oh i have three weeks, no hurry..and i packed in labor with my other two, but this one was in a hurry to get out...i was more bummed about forgeting my pillow then anything lol, but there was just no time lol @stephforever89
That's cool. Yeah, you should definitely get that hospital bag ready. You never know if this labor will be faster than your last one and men aren't so good with remembering stuff even if you write it down for them. I still have a few things i have to throw in the hospital bag, but that's about it. Im ready for this baby to get here.
I'm having ours on Monday! Everything is all set, just gotta put laundry away so that everything is where it should be for my mom to find when she needs it (for my son). I am also exhausted!
Did any of u may mommys get checked if y'all are dilated at all....I have my 38th week follow up tomorrow with different O.B hopefully I'll get checked, my O.B said she will strip my membranes (sp) next week when I'm 39 weeks.
@mommy2two i was checked on Monday and im 2cm dilated and 75% effaced. I'll be 39 weeks tomorrow. The doctor said she doesn't expect me to dilate any further until labor kicks in, but we'll see what she says during my next appointment this Monday.
@mommy2two im not sure. She hasn't mentioned anything about it. I guess she's waiting to see how i progress until my due date then if i go past it she will consider other options... But to be honest i don't know and i always forget to ask. The only thing she told me was that we would talk about induction if i make it to 41wks.
Oh u should bring it up to her....some OB don't usually bring it up unless u ask them, when I asked my OB at my 36 week appointment she said she doesn't the strip until I'm closer to my due date which is 39th week @perly :>
So I just got checked if I'm dilated or not..I'm 2cm dilated and 50% effaced and she decided to strip my membranes...she said she will strip it again next week...and I'm measuring 40 weeks today.
@stephforever89 this is more than likely my last week pregnant. I have an appointment on friday because the doctor is concerned that he's so high up, so if he's still like that by Friday we are going over my options and maybe scheduling an induction or a c-section. My main priority is that he is born safe and healthy, so hopefully he'll come down by Friday but if not then he's getting evicted.
So I went to my last appointment today. Good news I've dilated 1cm. Bad news if she don't come by Thursday their inducing me. I don't want to be induced. I went naturally with Isaiah aside from the demeral they gave me. I've been extremely busy today. Clean my car out, tighty the house up. I've been having braxton Hicks all-day. Some really painful ones. So maybe kailyn will decide to comethis weekend. @perly what did doc say
@stephforever89 today was my last appointment too. The baby hasnt dropped so im having a c-section on Monday. Wasn't my original birth plan, but im ok with the c-section. Im ready to have my baby already.
How are you doing?
Do you have everything ready or do you still have some stuff to get done?
I still have a few things i have to throw in the hospital bag, but that's about it. Im ready for this baby to get here.
The only thing she told me was that we would talk about induction if i make it to 41wks.