@stephforever89 thank you. I hope you go into labor soon. If you don't want to be induced, dont let your doctor induce you. He/she can't do it without your consent. Im having the surgery cause i chose too. I don't want to run the risk of being in labor for long hours and to still end up having a c-section in the end because the baby simply didn't drop. But that's a decision im making, my doctor had no influence in my decision. She only told me what was going on and what her concerns were.
If i were you, i would wait. I would not agree to the induction.
@perly I am not saying your decision is wrong but I remember reading your comment about getting an epi if I am not mistaken, and with an epi a longer labor is not bad at all, you can nap, watch tv, etc. You can do it, don't doubt yourself or your body!
@excitedforoctober yeah i know i can do a lot of that with the epi, my concern is the baby not dropping. Up to now the baby hasn't really cooperated and i don't know if he will once im in labor. I know that i won't know for sure how things will turn out until im in labor, but i just don't want to risk it. If the baby were a little lower, i would give it a try. Like i said, it wasn't my original birth plan but its ok, im fine with it. My main priority is to deliver a healthy baby. Maybe, if everything goes well, i can try to have a vbac with the next baby
My contraction are about 20mins apart. I believe she will be coming soon. Waiting until there about 3-5mins apart. So I'm going to clean up some and pack mine,Kailyn, and Isaiah's bag. @perly@excitedforoctober
My appointment yesterday went well, I'm still 2cm dialeted and 60% efaced, my doctor don't want me to go into labor this weekend cuz she will be out of town till Monday, and she really wanna deliver my son..I have an appointment Wednesday.....and she wants to see me on Friday as well and she wants to see me ony as well we'll see what the doc says
My back is killing my contraction going from 6-8-11-9 min apart lasting anywhere from45sec to 1min. I'm about to get my bag of rice and heat it up. Just for the achiness. @perly
@mommy2two that's cool we should all be loving on our sweet babies in no time. @wilsomom I think it may be she should be here by tomorrow night. At least that's what I'm thinking.
Still having contraction. They are just not doing what their suppose to do in a sense. I'm thinking I may be dilated to a 2 now. I've thought about having sex to see if I can work her out more. My back is feeling achy. I really think she is taking Tue same route as my son did. If that is the case she should be here tonight into early morning hours. @perly
@stephforever89 if you wanna have sex and see if that helps go for it. But it sounds like you're getting there. How far apart are your contractions now? And how long are you going to wait until you call your doctor?
Well the contraction have subside to 20mins. This was exactly what happened last time. She said to call if I have 6or more in hr. Ive been having 6 or less. So when we get home from breakfast may give hubby some fun time. With Isaiah I started losing my plug late afternoon. So we shall see. Right now we r at Ihop getting some bite bites. Before I gotta eat nasty food. @perly@excitedforoctober
@stephforever89 ok. Good. Well it sounds like she should be here sometime this weekend. Omg, the craziest thing just ran through my mind lol. Imagine if she keeps going llike this the whole weekend and then you finally go into labor early Monday morning when im scheduled to go for the c-section and we both deliver on monday?!?!?! Omg that would be crazy lol. But i hope she doesn't do that to you.... Early labor can get annoying after a while lol.
That would be crazy. @perly With Isaiah contraction started at 11pm saturday night didn't stop until 104am Monday morning. They felt Exactly like this.
@stephforever89 I've been losing my MP and had a bloody show last night...but my contractions are not strong...I'm really hoping for my water to break tonight or tomorrow.
Yea there blood it's old blood the first nit was red and brown. My contraction have been coming and going. We may do it again. Lol I just want her out. I've noticed I've gotten the best sleep last nights which is unusual with the contraction. She may show her face today. @mommy2two@wilsomom
Im having the surgery cause i chose too. I don't want to run the risk of being in labor for long hours and to still end up having a c-section in the end because the baby simply didn't drop. But that's a decision im making, my doctor had no influence in my decision. She only told me what was going on and what her concerns were.
If i were you, i would wait. I would not agree to the induction.
If the baby were a little lower, i would give it a try.
Like i said, it wasn't my original birth plan but its ok, im fine with it. My main priority is to deliver a healthy baby. Maybe, if everything goes well, i can try to have a vbac with the next baby
@wilsomom I think it may be she should be here by tomorrow night. At least that's what I'm thinking.
Omg, the craziest thing just ran through my mind lol. Imagine if she keeps going llike this the whole weekend and then you finally go into labor early Monday morning when im scheduled to go for the c-section and we both deliver on monday?!?!?! Omg that would be crazy lol. But i hope she doesn't do that to you.... Early labor can get annoying after a while lol.
With Isaiah contraction started at 11pm saturday night didn't stop until 104am Monday morning. They felt Exactly like this.
@mommy2two With bloody show it shouldn't be much longer!