questions about birth control.
Ok my husband and I are done having children. Butwe do want something reverseable for that just incase. I told him I'm not taking BC because It has to many side effects. Nor will I insert anything in my vagina that really freaks me out. Surgery is permanent for woman. So that leaves my husband getting snipped. I told him I gave him two beautiful children naturally I'm not going under the knife.
So my question is how reverseble is a vasectomy? My husband said he would have the procedure done.
So my question is how reverseble is a vasectomy? My husband said he would have the procedure done.
Now days you don't have to go under the knife to have your tubes tied. They can do it microscopically through your belly button.
@Bahamamama4828 I seen that its any secondary effects?
I totally get your point. You're not saying you are going to have the vasectomy reversed in a few years, you're only acknowledging that if it were to come down to it, you have the choice of getting it reversed.