exposing your child to chicken pox?

edited June 2013 in Ages & Stages
I've been hearing the topic of chicken pox come up alot lately everywhere I go it seems. My 2 year old hasn't had them. I've heard that some parents seek out others who's kids have them so they can expose and get it over with. Is it true that it's better to do it while the child is younger rather than wait till they get it older? Has anybody purposely exposed their kids to chicken pox? Is it dangerous? What should I do? Take action or wait?


  • I've never heard someone do it to get it over with... what if your kid never gets them at all then why would u want to expose them? I can't imagine putting my lo through that I guess if it was up to me and it had to happen at some point I would rather it be later when I can explain it to them and they can follow directions pretty well as far as what not to do and be able to tell me when they need more cram rather then guessing they are miserable. Plus I fill like once they understand I would be able to confort them better. Has your lo had the vaccine for it?
  • My mom did it to my brothers and I any chance she got. So I ended up geting them 3 times which is crap cuz you're only supose to be able to get them once. But we were school age.
  • I've heard of people doing it before the shots. I've never had chicken pox, I got the shot and the booster shot. I couldn't imagine letting my child get sick, i do everything i can to prevent it. And it breaks my heart when she is.
  • I wouldn't do it but have heard of others doing it because its better to get it younger than when your an adolescent or an adult.
  • Back in the day our grandparents did that with our parents. Before the shot. The reason why, as an adolescent and adult they were deadly. Who knows if that's still the case, the medical field is in a much different place then they were even 30 years ago.
  • this was extremely common in the 90s and before. even with measles waaaaay back when. when you're old like me, your parents probably had pox parties lol. nowadays its hush hush.
  • pox were never deadly lol. some ppl had complications not related to pox but it can be pretty painful in adulthood.
  • my parents brought me over to my cousins house so my sister and I would get them but I will not be doing that with my children
  • edited June 2013
    My mom did that to me as a kid because its better to get them when you are young than as an adolescent or as an adult. They are deadly and people have died from getting them when they are older. Plus if you get them when older its more likely to turn into shingles, which is very painful. I had my son vaccinated for chicken pox so he wouldn't have to get them because I remember having chicken pox as a kid and it sucked. My childhood neighbors mom sent all three of her boys to my house once she found out i had chicken pox so they would get it and this was back in the early 90s. If you don't vaccinate than its probably a good idea to expose your LO now to get it over with.
  • I didn't know there was a vaccine to prevent ever getting chicken pox. Is that better then letting babies get chicken pox? I've also heard that adolescent or adulthood chicken pox is pretty horrible. Children are more resilient. Ill definitely be asking his dr at the next checkup. Do alot of parents decide not to do the vaccine? He's had all his vaccines so far for his age including flu shot, but im pretty sure chicken pox wasn't one of them.
  • Varicella is the vaccine I believe @adriens_mommy
  • My daughter just got over a very mild case of them. She got the 1st vaccine at 12mos. They get the next one before kindergarten. Her pedi said that because she has just had the one, she could still get it, it's just not as bad. I am glad to get it over with. I had it in like 2nd grade, and I was miserable. At least Sidney won't remember having it, cause she is only 20mos. My mom made me play with my friend who had it... but they didn't have the vaccine when I was a kid. I don't think I would intentionally expose Sidney to it.
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  • Here in the uk, the chicken pox vaccine isn't part of the normal vax schedule. I'd rather my son catch it whilst he's young too
  • My opinion.. I know others don't agree and that's ok... I think it's totally irresponsible and foolish to purposely expose ur child to anything like this. Again.. Just MY opinion.
  • edited June 2013
    I had the pox when I was a kid and my husband has never had them. My daughter had the vaccine to prevent her from getting them.
  • My son got shingles before he was 2 from the varicella vaccination. So in light of that and the fact that the FDA can't get their crap together with the contamination we don't vaccinate our kids against anything anymore. looking at the vac schedule for people my age compared to what they want kids now to have it's insane and I chose not to make my kids go through it. For example when I was a kid MMR was given as a single shot now they're saying its unsafe to do it that way. When my son got shingles they ran a titer and for some reason he was immune to measles and mumps but not rubella. IMO vaccinations are hit or miss and just not worth the risk.
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