For those with multiple children...

And gave birth to their first (or any baby except the youngest) earlier than 40 weeks...did you also have your second baby early? I had my son a week early and my doctors seem to think this one will come early because of that too but I'm wondering how true that is...


  • i know Im not totally answering your question but the order my kids came-36wks, 30wks, 40+wks
  • I don't know if my case answers your question at all, but my first pregnancy ended at 17weeks and that put me at risk of delivering early with my second pregnancy, but i actually went 3 days overdue. I guess it depends, i mean every pregnancy is different and i know you've said that this time around has been completely different than your first.
  • @bahamamama4828 No, that does answer my question perfectly, so basically it means this baby isn't necessarily going to come early just because my first came early :( I know he will come when he is ready but I was hoping it might be 3 weeks instead of 4! I know I won't go over because my doctors won't let me.

    @perly Yeah it has but I also have been having contractions this time around and didn't with my first so maybe that means he will come a little early...hopefully.
  • My first was 40+4 and second 40+3. The midwife I saw said they will generally follow the same pattern if you have a normal pregnancy. I will say I contracted for several weeks before going into labor.
  • My mom had me 6wks early and my sister 2wks late. So anything can happen!
  • I worked in day care and this Mom had 3 kids, one 2 weeks early, one 2 weeks late, not sure what the third one was tho.
  • I understand. When doctors tell you that your baby might come early, the pregnancy becomes this waiting game that eats you up inside. At least that's how i felt. My pregnancy was high risk and then the baby was measuring a little big, so i could've sworn i would barely make it to term (that's not counting the pain in my vagina and so on lol).
  • edited June 2013
  • My first was 39w6d my second was 42w1d. Sorry :(
  • @wilsomom out of 9 ish kids you only put the first 2??? Lol list them all then we'll see :-D
    I'm no help, I only have one child (with another on the way). I just like giving wilsomom a hard time
    He'll come when he's ready!
  • My first 40weeks, my second came a week early at 39 weeks.
  • All mine were Anywhere from 37/39 except my last who was 41+...
  • First 40+2, second 38, third 38 weeks
  • @Kimberly4411 I probably couldn't even remember them all lol. :) My earliest was 38w0d and latest 42w1d then everything in between. (that doesn't count the miscarriages of course)
  • First 40exactly , second 34, third 41+4days
  • My first and second were 2 weeks early (they were almost exactly 2 years apart) My third 5 years later was approximately 2 weeks overdue. And about 14 months apart we will see when #4 makes his appearance.
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