Gestational Diabetes- update at bottom

edited August 2013 in Pregnant
I just got a call from my dr saying my bloodwork was normal except my blood sugar is high and that I have gestational diabetes. Ill be ten weeks tomorrow, I guess I'm freaking out as they want me to see another dr to try to modify my diet and excercise to control it before using medications. I already exercise and I thought ate healthy I'm only 114 lbs and dont eat junk or fast food etc. Any one have this with their pregnancy and was able to control it with diet and exercise and had a positive outcome.


  • There is a common misconception that only overweight individuals are affected by GD -- wrong. It is possible that you are eating "healthy," but that you are eating the wrong combination of foods, or too much of certain foods ( I.e. excessive carbohydrates). GD is, for most, can be controlled with diet and exercise some; some require medication to get it under control. Hopefully they refer you to a dietitian to assist you and aid in dietary control of GD.
  • @Mijita yes they are referring me to a dietician to aid with diet modification and exercise. I'm sure uts carbs that the only thing I can keep down without throwing up, I'm just afraid I'm gonna start losing weight again by not being able to keep anything down from this morning sickness. Thank you for the Information, I hope they are able to help.
  • edited June 2013
    On this last pregnancy I did have my numbers pretty high and was tested around 5 times what I think helped me was eating a serving of vegetable every dayl and like u said exercisng snacking and drinking lots of water with my first I had gd and it was terrible I had insulin shots
  • @2lilblessings thank you I will try to eat veggies every meal. I only drink water as much as I can handle I have had horrible morning sickness and have been struggling to keep anything down let alone not lose weight. I'm hoping I can control it without having to use I insulin. My first pregnancy I had nothing like this so it caught me off guard.
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  • @HomeBirthAdvocate yeah I had blood work done at 9 weeks 3 days, prenatal blood work as well as an alcohol metabolite for the past three months . No I didn't and have never had high blood sugar prior to this.
  • Make sure you a re including a good source of protein with all meals and snacks.
  • @Mijita thank you, I will. I get protein with all meals but will start to make sure I do with snacks
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  • I might not be a lot of help because i didn't develop gestational diabetes but i have a cousin who's had it with both her pregnancies and her babies were born healthy and at a good weight. She was referred to a dietitian that gave her a good meal plan and she did great both pregnancies. Hopefully that'll be your case as well.
  • @HomeBirthAdvocate do you think they will or w ill I have to request it? Like will they do a 3 hr glucose test or no since they are already saying i have GD? They told me I'm going to have to monitor by blood sugar along with the diet and exercise provided by the dietician and if that doesn't help be put on medication, which I want to avoid at all costs.

    @Perly thank you that makes me feel better, I'm just worried about the effects on the baby.
  • @homebirthadvocate; it's possible they are going off her A1C and was actually diabetic, but since she's pregnant that are classifying it as GD. That will need to be clarified by the doctor, because it is unusual that she develop it this early in pregnancy.
  • I'm going to ask when I see the dr Monday because I had bloodwork done about five months ago and my blood sugar and panels were all normal so I'm curious.
  • @jessibear you're welcome :)
    Just so you know, my cousin is perfectly healthy when she's not pregnant, but for some reason she develops GD when pregnant.... So your blood sugar and panels being normal before pregnancy have really nothing to do with you having GD now while pregnant.
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  • @perly thanks I will.

    @HomeBirthAdvocate I'm going to ask monday when I see the dr my mom wanted to know what ny A1C is also she is curious as she is a nurse.
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  • ^^^^me either! Testing so early.
  • @HomeBirthAdvocate, saw the dr today and asked for a copy of my blood work. My A1C # was 5.7 so they are considering me to have gestational diabetes even though if I was not pregnant that's not considered diabetic. Ugh waiting on a call from the dietician to schedule an appt. I'm going to make sure they retest me when I get farther along.
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  • She's at increased risk and considered prediabetic. They are being proactive, instead of waiting to be reactive. It's good you are being seen early and given the chance to modify diet behavior. I think the diagnosis of GD may be incorrect, and I think you should do a little research and go prepared with questions at hand so you get good quality feedback and peace of mind.
  • @HomeBirthAdvocate that's what I thought and what my mom said. I even asked the dr and they said they have different guidelines during pregnancy and since I'm pregnant they are considering it GD. I'm gonna demand to be retested when I get further .

    @Mijita thanks i have been doing alot of research and will do more so that all my questions will be answered by the dietician. I wish they would have told me i was prediabetic and not flat out say you have gd and caused me to panic and stress about it but glad they are taking precautions.
  • This is my fourth pregnancy and have gestational diabetes never had it before. I had thr lucozade test at 20+ weeks. At first I tried with my diet to control it, can't really do much exercise as I have a rare genetic heart condition which also contribute yo my diabetes when I have eptopics this causes adrenaline which causes a sugar rush. After trying everything with my diet doing food diarys the second week they put me on metformin tablets then 3 weeks later insulin too im now on 3 tablets a day and four injections its not pretty I have to go to clinic every week but my bloods go really silly even with just a cheese sandwich on granary bread it can go from 5.1 to 10.2. Hope u get it sorted I wouldn't wish all them meds on anyone I asked my doctor if my daughter will be ok as im also on heart meds and they said she will be fine so we will see I have my c section on the 12 july
  • @loobylou sorry your going through all that. I hope that are able to control it with diet, I try to exercise but its been way to hot to be outside. I already have to start getting weekly injections of progesterone in five weeks for twent weeks so I hope I won't end up needed insulin injections as well.
  • edited August 2013
    So is saw the perintalogist today and he wants to to do a 2 hour glucose test now and one again at 28 weeks if I pass. He thinks my diagnosis of gestational diabetes is questionable especially since they went off my a1c # which was borderline and my health history etc
    Plus my blood sugar monitoring has been with in normal limits. He says it would be very rare/uncommon for me to have it since i have no past blood sugar problems and that i was underweight when getting pregnant, but Wish me luck ladies that it was a misdiagnosis. I'm tired of pricking my finger and stressing over a condition I may not even have. Geez
  • I'm sure it was a misdiagnosis, especially if your finger pricks have all been normal. That's a relief I'm sure, good luck!
  • Yes I'm hoping, yeah they have been the past two weeks but I'm not sure if that's due to the diet they have me on or due to the fact I don't have it. Keeping my fingers crossed. I already have a lot going on with this pregnancy and one less thing especially not having gd would make it so much easier.
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