So much going on ugh



  • Just take in mind that the longer you take to end this, the harder its going to get. And also, he will keep this act up as long as he can to keep you.
    Im not saying that you should just leave him and don't turn back, but make the decision let him know so that he knows he cannot play you like that.
  • I agree not best idea to take your time I mean that's just more complicated. If you want it to end on good note which rarely happens with any relationship and from previous things most likely no matter what u do will not be the case here just my opinion. I think the only thing u can do is have an adult sit down just say this isnt what's best for us or the kids. It's not far to him its obviously not what he wants out of life right now and the way he is, is not only what you and your daughter need but not what you're looking for either..I mean I don't see why two parents can't have that in controlled conversations. It's black and white nothing personal just not right for anyone. And if for some miracle after many years he becomes totally different person and its ment to be God will bring you back together but I doubt that's the case. Looks like u can either talk to him tell it how it is but nice and calm. Or u can keep wasting your time and your kids time and over time things will only get much worst. Bc yes relationships take work but the right once most things come natural feel natural and small things will work themselves out u never even have to think or try. From what u have shared with us you two are just not right a lot of these things people that are ment to be never even worry about it bc they naturally work as team. Hope that makes sense, once u meet that person you will see!
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