40 and oops i am pregnant

edited March 2011 in Pregnant
So I lost 50 lbs turned forty found out I am pregnant. OOPS! I have been married for 15 yrs. Have not been on bcontrol since I got married. Have used maybe 3 boxes of condoms in that whole time. Took me a year n a half to have my daughter who just turned 13. three rounds of clomid to get my now 8yr old twins. I feel a little silly being 40 n pregnant


  • Congrats on the weight loss seriously u go girl! Although it will kinda be a bummer u gotta put some weight back on lol gods a funny guy, huh? I feel like I've gained 50 lbs since baby surprise. just know everything happens for a reason HE must have big plans for this little life and feel it was time to bring it to the world to share with u and your lucky family. Good luck!
  • Don't feel silly! It's a blessing and for some reason meant to happen. Just think this will be the best birth control ever for your daughter. I know it was for me when my sisters best friend got pregnant and kicked out of her house so my mom let her live with us and I looked after the baby a lot and it just made me make sure to take my pill on time everyday and use condoms I was also 16 at the time but she will remember how hard it is..
  • YAY!! congrats!! no way don't feel silly..i think it's blessing that you got preg! many people pray to still get preg at that age! way to go! Greatest luck and God's blessing to you!
  • Ya I agree its a blessing dont feel silly. Feel lucky u are having another baby! Thay is awesome! Congrats!
  • The woman I babysit for just had her 4th at 41 so you'll be fine! Congrats!
  • I'm 36 but will be 37 when this one arrives. My children are 14 and 10. I really thought I was finished with all this lol x
  • Lol, you have nothing to feel silly about! And think of all the help you'll have from your older children! :) congrats!
  • My mother was 43 when she had her last. She even had him at home with a midwife, she always said it was easyer because she had the older kids (me) to baby sit ;)
    good luck and Congrats on ur lil surprise :)
  • I'll be 40 when I have this baby so I know how you feel.
  • Congrats! I just lost 35 lbs and was on a 3 year weight loss program and oops I'm prenant too. Trying to minimize what I gain for my health and babys
  • Wow thanks! I know all this now but it helps to hear it again. When I
  • Wow thanks! I know all this now but it helps to hear it again. When I found out about this one I had no idea how far I was. The nx day I had an USound. They found nothing. The nx day I had another and they found a 8wk 6 day non vital baby. They offered me the procedure. I declined and figured I was this baby mother and when it was ready to come out it would. They suppected it was molar so 3 wks later when I was sick I the day before thanksgiving I was sent to the er for xray. They refused me because I hadn't past the baby yet. So I had another US and they found a normal
  • 8wk 5day hbeating baby. My hcg were threw the roof. I am the talk of the dr office. NO ONE can explain it.
    Hardest month of my life. Waiting to miscarry this baby. And everyday I had horrible morning sickness.
    I am very thankful for my surprise baby girl
  • How far along are you? I had just lost weight too. I think that's the body's sign you should get pregnant lol
  • I think that's awesome! Congratulations!
  • I am 23wks. I know it is cuz I lost weight. I put 20 back on right away. Depressed! Plus I have to eat when I have morning sickness. I have no idea what I have gain total. Won't let them tell me. I will lose the weight again
  • Congratulations!!!! I've lost 30 pounds over the past few months and just found out February 28 that I'm 5 weeks!!!!!!! I'm 37 with 3 great boys.It's so amazing but so scary.Starting over is alittle scary my boys are older 19,12,&10.I wish all you wonderful ladies a great pregnancy and healthy babies!!!!!!
  • I'm 19 weeks. I have a 15,2, and 1 year old.
  • Lol thats awesome! My mom was 39 and my dad was 50 when they had my sister who is now 6! I was 14 and my brother was 19...you can do it! CONGRATS!
  • edited March 2011
    Omg... I dont feel as bad as i hve been. Ill be 39 a week before bby. I have a 13(b) & 10(g).. And start alll over again.... Im havn another precious girl... and my .last one...
    I wish yall the Best & Good Luck!! :-? L-)
  • Me too. Getting my tubes tied after baby girl.
  • Wow congrats. God just had a different plan for you. I knew a woman that had two tubal ligations and got pregnant after each time.
  • My mom got shot when she was 27 an was told she couldn't have anymore kids.. she had my sister at the time so she was under the impression that would be her only child but let me tell you when my mom turned 39 she had a surprise Two babies! Me an a twin even though she miscarried w my twin she still had me.. lol an the next year she got pregnant again w my brother at 40 so to her it was a miracle she just had became a gma b4 she got to be a mom again.. but God Does Everything for a reason don't feel silly feel Blessed!
  • I have a 16 yr old a 14 yr old and now at 35 my husband 40 I have a 1 yr old and prego again!!! God works in mysterious ways... harder that's for sure but you can do it... congrats
  • I'm 40...so it's okay. :-)
  • I will be 40 in June and I have a three year old. It seems to me that it's becoming the norm for woman to be pregnant at a later age.
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