potty training!!!

edited March 2011 in April 2011
Potty training my toodler...HELP


  • Boy or girl?
    My mom used cheerios as an aiming thing with my brother that she says worked like a charm :)
  • Ping pong ball in the toilet if its a boy, draw a pic in permanent marker like a star or football then get him to aim for it :)
  • I sat my 2 year old on the toilet yesterday for at least 20 min (he asked to sit on it), took him off to get his diaper on (he hadn't done anything) and he immediately peed all over the floor and my hand. I felt so bad because I yelled 'oh Simon!' and he burst into tears. :( We'll probably avoid any more trauma for a bit longer. My oldest son was easy-at 2 1/2 he was getting awful diaper rashes and I told him that if he started using the potty he wouldn't get them anymore. He was trained within a week, though he's still in pull-ups overnight.
  • My daughter won't poop on the toilet. Any suggestions
  • At wat age should i start potty training my daughter she will b 1 next friday
  • @KayleighAnn that is hilarious that's what I did with my son, he loved boats so I told him to sink the cheerio's.
  • My son will go on the petty but he refuses to take off his big boy undies so he pees his pants anyways...I have to let him rim around naked all the time but i don't like doing that because I also have my brothers 2 year old daughter at home with us...
  • @MomOfThree that's too funny! Must have been easy to get him to use the potty haha
  • I told my 17mo sion 2yo ho 2yo the toilet n he does he has excema so I leave him nude only managed 1 poo n 2 wees but uts a start only been practicing a few days my first sion was 2 n 3 months although tonight is tge first night he got out of bed 2yo use the toilet n hes 3 now yay
  • There's a book called Potty Bootcamp that really helps. You do most of your potty training in the first couple of days. The website is called pottybootcamp.com. its to also help you potty train by the time your child 2yrs old. Check it out.
  • My son hates wet and poopy diapera. He will immediTely take it off and.throw ot away. I cannot get him to sit on potty. Tried treats, boka, wlmo potty time movie, nothing qorks
  • Im trying. My.son is 16.mo old. And I cant have him stand up. His weeny is too.small. Poor child. So I have to sit him down.
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