Cord blood?

edited March 2011 in Pregnant
I have heard it is expensive, but MIL offered to pay storing it. I figured if she was willing it wouldnt hurt, but someone just told me that it is a waste of money. Is anyone familar with this or done any research in it?


  • I wish I could waist of money?? Hmmm we'll they r still doing research on the many ways it can be used... Iknow that they r even testing on people with head trauma and brain damage... I don't know better safe than sorry I think... we can't afford it if not donate it at least it could help someone in need
  • Its a waste if you never need it but if you do its invaluable.
  • when u birth the baby u can wait n let thw bloof run 2 the baby suppose 2 be very beneficial, but if shes welling to store it id let her never know u may need it one day
  • That was my thoughts exacty, if she was willing to do it then why not. Im just hoping that it isnt just another way to make money. I know my Dr charges $300 if i decide to bank the cord blood, having nothing to do with the costs of banking it. Does anyone know any true stories about cord blood being used?
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