anyone having problems with their sex life??

edited January 2011 in Pregnant
Is it just me that can't physically have sex with my partner because it causes great difficulty and more often or not serious pain? This is my 1st child so I'm not sure if this is normal... every time we attempt to have sex firstly its hurts the inside and especially after he ejaculates It's a burning sensation that takes a while to calm down. Also Im getting what I would best describe as mild contractions regardless the positions we try. is this something to worry about?? Help!!!!!


  • I have been cut off of sexual activity from my Dr because I had the same issues. You should get checked for yeast or urinary track infections because they are very common and might be the cause for what you're explaining. I wish you luck.
  • No sex here either but that burning feeling is probably from an infection. Even the pain of having sex could be from an infection. So call Doc.
    They may tell u no
  • Well I did suffer with thrush at the start of my pregnancy but I'm now nearly 21 weeks I just thought it may have cleared up. Thanks that's helped alot. Im starting to feel bad and slightly guilty I'm not giving my partner the sex life we used to have. I feel he thinks I'm making excuses not to have sex and makes comments that makes me feel bad. Do you think this will effect our relationship?
  • I think if you explain that it's painful and could be harmful to the baby, and the doctor said to stop, he should understand.
  • I don't have problems having sex so far but I really don't have the desire to at all. That's odd for me bc I always want to have sex before. He definitely didn't keep up w my desire before I was pregnant and now I kinda feel bad that I just don't want to. I don't really even think about it lol
  • I haven't been able to have sex with my husband since I was about 13 weeks. Its very uncomftorble.
  • I also have no desire it seems yucky to me now that I'm pregnant
  • I feel like a cow and I want to have sex but he is exuasted from work and im too self consciousness to let him look at me so it usually dosent happen
  • The last time I tried to have sex I started bleeding in the process. So I haven't tried again. But I wasn't having any cramping just bleeding. It stopped but it started back two days later ans I don't know what to do. Any suggestions? ??
  • Everything like burning after he ejaculate is normal even the pain down there
    I forget why but an experienced mother explained to me on here. But still be safe n explain to your doc
  • It seems like I wana have sex more now that I'm pregnant before I had to smoke w him or have a drink before. I always want it now he can't keep up but its getting more difficult evertime now w this big belly growing. I'm 28 weeks n we have sex more than 2x a day if we have time cause he doesn't live w me n he works nights. I worry bout myself sometimes
  • I want it all the time but my hubby has no sex wasn't like this before we got married. But as soon as the honeymoon was over the sex stooped it only happens once a month if that we really wanted a baby an well after 9 months it happened I'm 15weeks now an I want it 24/7 but that doesn't happen I thought it was just me but. I've just had to give up trying an if it comes down to it I do it my self I know some people are like gross but u got to do what u got to do when ur ready to flip out customer ur not getting _any and ur married
  • Didn't mean customer. My phone sucks I mentioned because
  • I can't get enough sex, and my hubby is uber happy about that! There is always a healthy fear in me though about hurting the baby....Just a fear though, I know its not possible.
  • Sex makes me nauseaous. :(
  • Wish I still wanted sex! It grosses me out not to mention I'm due in 4 weeks an have had minor contractions n every one keeps sayin have sex.... but she balls up an pushes so it hurts, I used to get sick as well
  • I'm not huge on sex, but my boyfriend loves it.. I feel bad when I never want to start anything. But I don't know how to change it.
  • Sex is the last thing on my mind. Also I feel guilty but it will all b worth it

  • monday we has sex I'm 23 weeks with 3rd it started cramping really bad on top and down one side he went out n I was bleeding but not alot I waited n baby was.moving fine blood was brown so I didn't worry placenta is high last night w tried again hurt a bit going in like I had a big cut down one side but once we got into it it was fine, I got some pain so we stopped, will try again maybe tonight also we tried a new position with me in my knees with my elbows ok the bed n put a pillow under my chest that was very effective and didn't hurt, google images of sex positions for pregnant women all the best ps im 23
  • edited January 2011
    also caroline I never like to start anything either so o did some reading about sex positions n that kindof helped with drive then I just walked straight into my husband n said come have sex with me I think he almost died but it worked cause he knew exactly what we where there for lol goodluck
  • I never want to have sex bc it hurts my back so bad. I just wish I could make my hubby realize how bad it bothers me. He just keeps saying thinga that make me feel like crap for not having sex.
  • I haven't been having as much sex either. I just got over being super sick with morning sickness and I didn't feel like having sex at all during that. My husband has been working a lot and not sleeping much so I haven't tried until today which is his day off. He still tells me I look sexy even tho I can tell I'm bigger now.
  • Yeah for me when I got pregers my sex drive is so up and down, my poor husband , I feel so bad and guilty, thank god for
  • my sex life disintegrated after my first was born. Now im pregnant with number 3 and I still am not interested. It just sucks because I'm only 23 and my husbands 25 :(
  • I'm a first time mom and only maybe 8 weeks. I haven't seen my Dr yet.. but I'm worried having sex is gonna hurt the baby!?
  • Sex is perfectly fine while prego.. when I went to the doc bc I thought I had a virus & they said no virus you're prego.. the doc (on his own) said sex is completely fine, he said I'll wanna have sex tons once the second trimester comes along, & said that the orgasm actually soothes the baby. & this doc is id guess around 50.. sooo awkward!!! Haha
  • Oh, but he did say certain positions could be more uncomfortable now or become uncomfortable when the belly gets bigger.. but that was it!
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