In a wedding at 9mos prego. crazy?

edited March 2011 in Pregnant
I'm due October 30 and my brother's wedding is October 29. I'm supposed to be a bridesmaid and this is my first baby.. they have really nice maternity dresses that look comfortable.
Right now, I want to be in the wedding.. however .. I think I'll regret it when I'm full blown 9 months!
What if I go into labor the day before or the day of..
I want to know from the moms. How were you feeling the day before you were due? Could you have been in a wedding?


  • edited March 2011
    I'm going to be in a wedding a month before I'm due. I know it will be hard. But a day before you are due you never know at that time when your going to go into labor. My first came a day early. I know you want to be part if there day but the best thing might be just to be there just in case you can't be at the wedding that they aren't counting on you for the wedding party
  • My sister in law was in my wedding, oct 16th. She was due oct 31st. She had the baby on the 10th. She was 5 days post labor and in the wedding. She was miserable! I think she hated me for still having her in my wedding. Everyone different, but make sure they have a plan b in case you can't be there.
  • I'm a bridesmaid exactly a month before I'm due!! I'm having to have a dress made for me! My mum (who's wedding it is) has just said for me to take the day slowly. If I need a break or a rest to just be selfish and go- bless her! She's said not to stand around an that I'm to be near chairs at all times lol. You just need to take it easy and make sure they aren't relying on you too much!
  • I could have been in a wedding the day before my due date, I was huge but that's it. As long as I wasn't expected to do anything but stand for bits of the ceremony it would have been fine. Any more than that, though, would have been too much for me.
  • I'm due Oct 18th and I'm in a wedding Oct 15th
  • My last pregnancy I was in a wedding two weeks before my due date. I was actually the matron of honor. It actually Wasn't too bad EXCEPT for the fact my feet were crazy swollen. I suggest comfy shoes. I was afraid I would go into labor early but didn't and i ended up being induced a week after my due date.
  • Btw with my dress I just ordered extra big and had it taken in about a week before because in the last month you are constantly growing
  • My first baby came 3 weeks early from her due date but she was ful turm,,,, ur due date is just a guess for the doctors,, as u get bigger the date will prob change, im on # 2 and they have changed it 3 times already,,,first was june 24,then july 16now july 12,,
  • I would gracefully tell them you can't do it. If you are in labor you'll miss it, if you have the baby and still stand up in the wedding you'll be miserable. At least they can plan now and you can be stress free and just worry about possibly making it as a guest.
  • Talk to them and see what they think about you sitting, instead of standing during the ceremony, not wearing same shoes as other bridal party(cuz I doubt you can do it in those shoes) etc. Hopefully they're not as concerned with having a "perfect" day and take a page out of pretty_princess_1 moms book ;)
  • I am supposed to be in a wedding the end of july (23rd), which is ten days before my son is due. It is going to be 90 degrees and the wedding is outside. Im regretting my decision to be in this wedding.
  • Yikes. Ya my bfs army friends from ait are getting married in august and invited him and I. Well I for one am due early september and the wedding is later in august. I have never met these ppl before either, they know that andy is going to b a dad and are excited to meet me but idk if I can handle going to a wedding and reception at almost 9 months preg and on top of all this the wedding is out of state. We live in wisconsin and the wedding is in iowa, idk if I'm even going to be able to travel that late in the pregnancy?
  • My sil was due in Nov and our wedding was Oct 4...she did my hair but backed out of being a bridesmaid and was only willing to do 1 other girls hair bc anything more was too much for her.
    I think them not having a back up bridesmaid is risky...maybe suggest that they talk to someone-I had told a friend of mine that I would love for her to b a bridesmaid if one of mine backed out. If u go into labor/r in the hospital/have baby ur prolly not going to want to do it. Every woman and pregnancy is different so whether or not ull feel up to it is totally in the air too. Good luck.
    @jazzi89 where in wi r u/where in Iowa. Our rule w travel was that 2 hrs away from home/hospital was the max during the last month of the pregnancy. W my first my husband didn't like me being an hr away from the hospital 1 weekend...I was w my parents and he had to work (I ended up being 6 days late)
  • I'm in manitowoc wi, I'm not sure where in iowa it is but its def more than a two hr drive. To get to illinois take about 3 n a half hrs. Idk if I'm going to go because I've already had problems during this preg and the chances of me hving her early are quite high
  • I assume they know you are pregnant? If so they will know there is a risk you won't be there if you go into labour early so I wouldn't worry about that! I say go for it as long as you feel ok on the day. Just make sure you are wearing flats and they have a chair on hand so you can sit and rest!!
  • Thanks everyone for the input! I've actually since talked to my brother and his fiance and fortunately, they're both really understanding. I told them I couldn't do it, it's just too close. She is real sweet though and said that if I change my mind, I could still be in it, even last minute. They just want me to be comfortable. I don't think I will be in it, but I'm just glad they were so great about it.
    I just have 1 wedding to worry about now. My best friends and I'll be 7 months along. Thank god for maternity bridesmaids dresses.
  • I didnt want to sway you one way or the other when I saw this post earlier. Now that you have made your decision, my water broke at my sisters wedding reception! It was only an hr after the wedding and 5 mins after I had to give my matron of honor speech. Talk about a grand entrance lol.
  • @Mindy061606 No Way!! That's exactly what I'm afraid is going to happen. Can you imagine the water breaking while walking down the aisle.. What if it happened on the altar! LoL! My family keeps joking saying that they'll stream the birth to a projector at the reception. No way in hell.. but they're kinda serious about bringing the party to the hospital. I'm OK with that :)
    That's nuts. Did some of your family go with you or did they come visit you after the reception?
  • I stayed to watch my sister dance with my dad and then headed to the hospital. I didnt go into active labor and then my daughter ended up being breech so I kept in contact by phone. Everyone came in the morning right before the c-section. My sister.called and was going to skip her honeymoon to mexico and was crying :( my husband and I convinced them to go though.
  • @Mindy061606 Wow. well thanks for sharing. I appreciate the input based on experience, to say the least. I would tell my brother the same if they considered skipping out on their honeymoon.
  • No problem :) Good luck and stay hydrated and rested best you can!
  • I'm actually getting married when I'm 9 months. I'm excited for my wedding just worried I'd look like a whale in my dress
  • I'm getting married at 36 weeks... hopefully all goes as planned
  • Technically you'd be closer to 10 months pregnant if it's that close to your due date.
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