Baby Daddy Drama

So my pregnancy is a result of a night out with a friend and I'm 13 weeks pregnant now. Well upon telling the father he doesnt believe me its his and wants a dna test now, not when the baby is born, but now. After reading the risks I told him I was not comfortable with the risks, he has not talked to me since, and has also told me that he has a girlfriend. Well on another note I know for a fact this is his baby, I have not been with anyone else before or after him. I am curious if I should just say screw him or wait til my little one is born and deal with him. He wont answer anything so I can tell my Dr medical history from his family.


  • P.S.
    If I was his girl I would be mad at him for not stepping up and being there for something he did. Or worried he would cheat on me again. Ugh men suck sometimes.
  • I'm in a similar situation i'm 18 weeks and haven't talked to baby daddy in over 2 months. He told me my choices were abortion or adoption, I told him to go f**k himself lol. I'm personally going to wait til baby arrives and then have the court order him for a paternity test. I just don't want the stress he puts me under. Men can be such douche bags. Good luck!
  • It just makes me so mad because I know he is the dad, and he was like well what are you going to do, I told him keep it, he said well do a dna test now, and I will be there if its my baby. Good luck to you too! Do you know what your having?
  • Not yet every time we've tried the umbilical cord is nicely coiled right between its legs. Next u.s. is feb 4th so hopefully ill find out then.
  • I wont find out til March
  • I would wait 2 many risks and since your certain who cares he will look like a jerk in the long run keep your head up girly!!!
  • edited January 2011
    Your not the only one girl i have daddy drama that isnt even worth stressing over. Do what im doing and forget about it for now enjoy your pregnancy and make plans for your new life with your baby and after u deliver file paternity test and child support with family court he will be responsible for paying for the dna test and also all court cost then he will feel like an a**hole
  • I was 15 when I got pregnant and Yup it only took one time after me finding out I told him and he didn't believe me and neither did his family I decided I wasn't going to deal with him or his family and I did it all on my own graduated high school and was a single mom for 3 years till I met my husband now my daughter is 7 and I'm pregnant again with my second I'm so happy I decided not to involve him in anything it would of just stressed my whole life out
  • take rockinmomma advice. wait till the baby is born n get court order.
  • Man im in a tough situation 2 I fell in luv wit diz guy ended up prego..den found out dat he had others kids and baby my situation crazy I just want him 2 be here 4 my baby gurl dats all I ask 4..
  • Im having problems wit my new babies father too. He jus recently told me to leave him alone n it seems like everything I du or say irritates him. All things wrk out for the best n the end.
  • Hey only time could tell
  • You know what? If he can't bother now he ain't ever going to. And yeah, going to court is an option, but ladies let me tell you from experiance, that isn't worth it. You go to court you have to give him visitation. I have to watch my two angels go off with my x-husband every other weekend. There is nothing more painful than watching them go off, not knowing if they'll be taken care of, with a man that doesn't want the child, but is doing it for spite. My x said he wished the kids hadn't been born, they ruint his life. Yet the court says he gets them. My 5 year old tells me her dad hates her, he doesn't care about either one of them. Think long and hard, is the $ worth the pain you will go through and likely put your baby through? If he doesn't want them now, chances aren't good that he will in the future.
  • I am in the same situation , my boyfriend just had a baby in Nov now that im pregnant he wants me to get a abortion im 7 weeks right now.. and i decided if he doesnt want to be around i wont force him no time for the drama.
  • just wonderin if u knew the father prior to this. if u have then he should know what type of person u r and that u don't sleep around. however I always try to look at every situation from every angle before casting judgement on someone. I have learned that there is usually two sides to every story, and every story deserves to b heard. If u didn't know this guy prior to ur pregnancy maybe try to give him the benefit of the doubt. he may honestly b sincere but just need assurance that the child is indeed his. even though a paternity test at this stage is dangerous and I highly would not recommend it, u should give him some sort of credit for even suggesting it. men don't really know or understand the risks of things like this. he may actually step up and b a great father after he truelly realizes that he is infact the daddy. however if he doesn't screw him. u and the baby r probably better of without him and should keep the negativity out of the childs life at whatever cost. The hardest thing imaginable would b to go through life knowing that u have a parent that doesn't want u and is forced to b in ur life.
  • The thing is when I told him the risks he sisnt care. And that I couldnt possibly know what I was putting him through cause he just had to tell his new girlfriend what was going on.
  • Wait, I'm sorry, but wtf are you doing.

    If he wants a test to find out if he is the daddy, he can sit on his ass and wait for it.
    Don't you dare put extra risk to yourself or your child because of some schmuck of a male who wants to worm out of responsibility.

    If he's the father, he'll find out soon enough when he gets his first court order for child support from you once you get the DNA test done AFTER the child is born.
  • Trust me in no way shape or form am I going to do the DNA test right now. My baby is too important to me, and my health is not worth riaking for his peace of mind. If he wanted peace of mind then he would have been more responsible. Well as should have I but I dont regret this miracle in the least. I already love my peanut.
  • this is in no way about him, he needs to realize that. those tests r very risky and should b avoided at whatever cost. he cheated on his girlfriend and that's his fault not urs. he needs to man up and deal with the consequences of not only that but fatherhood. I hope u don't think I was agreeing with him. I was trying to give u hope that he may eventually come around. men tend to deal with things in their own way. much different than us. we r mothers from the time we find out we r expecting, they sometimes take a little longer. don't give up hope.
  • I don't have baby daddy drama. Just drama with his family. For our first a rumor got started in his family that my baby had an African-a daddy so I was gonna have fun with it. I asked my best guy friend who is A-A to come pick me up. It was great to see their faces then and when our baby came out with an olive complexion bc of my Mexican heritage. I just say screw them and what they think cuz I'm better than all his drug addict family
  • Hey sweetie I say to hell w him. Don't stress cause when you do you produce something thats also stresses baby. Don't worry bout struggling w out him it makes you stronger n wiser. When baby is born you can definitely get his ass for child support even if baby has your last name (: he will owe government they will take gota out of his checks if he works lol. I'd warn his girlfriend he's a chump! After all the agony when baby is here he will be LAST thing on your mind!
  • Similar situation I'm 6:weeks preggo and baby daddy not steeping up he says if its mine I will be there I haven't been with any any sense of the word three long years with anyone now I got this schmuck unbelievable
  • Hey everyone I have drama with my bd. I got pregnant after one night of hooking up with my friend. After telling him I'm pregnant he tells me that he will be there whatever I decide to do. But I just sae him today and now he is trying to convince me to get an abortion cuz he feels that it isn't fair to the baby to be brought into thr world this way. But I feel its even more unfair to not give the baby a chance to live. I told him im going to have this baby whether he wants to be there or not.
  • I'm already 11 weeks and had my first ultra sound yesterday. I can't imagine not having this baby. Especially after seeing it for the first time.
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