trapped, i dont want!



  • Just say, "Mom I'm pregnant." It's gonna be the most awkward moment of your life, but guess what? It's over in a matter of minutes. Things will be tense between y'all for a bit. But, she will come through for you like a Mother is supposed to. It actually made my relationship with my Mom ten times stronger! & don't think a baby will keep you from achieving things! I'm almost finished with my Registered Nursing & I'm only nineteen. I had my baby at sixteen, got pregnant at fifteen just like you. I'm pregnant again almost three months! Keep a good head on your shoulders & take responsibility for your actions! Have faith on yourself & in your Mom for supporting you. It WILL happen!
  • Thank you so much, u girls give me a lot of courage and support! I was thinking I should hand her a positive pregnancy test and then whatever happens, happens. Or leave it there before I leave to school since I leave before? Idk why but I want to avoid her reaction, and I was told it would give her time to chill out? o: I've also been giving her clues like we went bra shopping cause I've always been a size 36b and now I'm a 36c -_- so she's like why are they growing out of no where? I'm like idk.. and then she's asked if I started and I said not yet and she's like hopefully in a couple of days..and its hard to put it off :( I jst wanna leave it out but I'm super scared ://
  • Oh, honey, I think just leaving the test out for her would be the worst possible way to tell her. By what you said in your last post I would wager she already intuitively knows & is just waiting for you to tell her, so just go for it... you will get past the first awkward moment & all will be fine :)
  • I'd show her a test but don't leave it for her.. that's kinda disrespectful and would probably make her react worse
  • I'm such a wuss! :( I'm ready for this baby even though its going to be hard but I can't get past this, I've never been so scared to this huge leap
  • Oh honey...I know exactly what you are going thru...I was 16 when I had my first ( she's now 14) I told them when I was 7-1/2 doctor prenatal....and I still wore all my regular clothes....I wound up telling my aunt first...we are super close....she then sat with me when I told my dad and gma...I was scared to death...but my dad took it well...ran outside and was telling all the neighbors he was gonna ber a gpa....they were disappointed in me....since every one expected me toexcel in my career... But they were supportive and happy.... My gma said she knew already and was waiting for me to say something....I had my daughter a month early duet to complications due to hiding it..... You can do strong for you're unborn baby... Go to a doctor now.....they will treat you even though youre mom isn't there....good luck dear
  • :o @mommyagain weren't you big already? 7 1/2 how can u hide ur tummy? :/ but ur right I couldn't tell her today well so far, I haven't seen her she's still working so tomorrow when she gets put early
  • Actually I wasn't big....but as soon as I told them my belly just popped out....I only gained 15 Pounds during that pregnancy.....luckily my Michalla was perfect....and to this day she's always top in her class.... But I don't recommend hiding it at all.....
  • Your mom's reaction might be humorous later. My dad was reaching for a bag of chips when I said, "now I know you're going to be disappointed, but there's nothing we can really do about it...we're going to have an addition to the family..." my dad then put the chips back in the cupboard and stood in a corner. We didn't talk for almost a week. I dare you to do it tomorrow ;) jk but seriously, the sooner the better for you and baby! :D
  • Ok .. so I'm 19yo and a sophomore in college. I graduated in 2009 with a 3.8 gpa. My mom has had me on bc and educated me about sex and pregnancy since a week after I lost my virginity. I found out I was pregnant at 8 weeks and planned and saved up for an abortion. I got a ultrasound and 12or so weeks and fell in love with my baby. I had to tell my mom. It was the worst feeling in the world. She expects so much out of me and she has worked so hard as a single mother to pay my way through college and make sure I was a spoiled brat =) I felt like I owed it to her to tell her in person ..

    My aunt ended up telling her, and my mom called me and said are you keeping your baby .. I said yes mam. We discussed an abortion once or twice because she just wanted to let me know that it was an option .. but she never once told me to get an abortion and she loves the baby already. She is more excited to find out the sex than me.

    Tell your mommy, she loves you and has your back no matter what. And the sooner the better for you and chubbs .. the last thing you two need are stress. And he/she needs prenatals ASAP. It'll be over before you know it. Good luck doll*
  • Dang :o another thing I'm kinda scared about is my bfs age, he's 19 and I'm gonna be 16 but I doubt my parents will do anything to him because my mom was young when she had me and her and my dad are like 8 years apart
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