8 weeks pregnant, no sickness and feeling great!!



  • @Millicent haha thats madness, nope my bf is still the same old person he was before. He might be a bit nervous ahaa. I bet ur glad hes getting all the symptoms, rather him than you! Thats what i say haha!
  • Yeah im happy he's getting it all lol :p i hate the whole throwing up thing, even tho i aint getting any symptoms im happy cuz i went 4 an ultrasoud n they said my baby is looking good n healthy.
  • thats brill news @Millicent yeah im just waitin for my scan now to confirm everything is good in there!! lol
  • Thats great let me no how it all goes. i went 2 the hospital yesterday cuz i ws getting sharp pains n wldn't stop throwing up, no bleeding tho bt i cldn't stand the pain no more, they checked me n the baby ws fine bt the problem is my apéndix im completely on bed rest cuz they cnt give me anything cuz im pregnant.
  • oh dearrr, well i hope you get better soon!! and yep i'll let you know :))
  • Man im glad I'm not alone. My boobs stopped hurting, but I still have mild cramping. I feel a lil sick here n there, but that's it. I saw the heartbeat a lil after 5weeks. I wish I could have an US done weekly! Or have some kinda constant reassurance that everythings ok!
  • @alilboulding your in the exact same position as me! You got ur u/s booked?
  • I had my first u/s on Wednesday. My little bitty baby is doing good and has a very strong heartbeat =) i have hardly any morning sickness just mainly heartburn and peeing all the time. My due date was moved to the 25th instead of the 22ed of oct, which puts the conception date on my birthday! Talk about birthday sex! =]
  • 8weeks 2days n thank God I feel great no sickness at all... Just taking it day by day..but husband kind of getting the sickness for me weird but true lol...
  • @josiemariemummytobe I had my first US at 5wks cuz I had a miscarriage in 09 n also cuz I had no idea how far along I was. I have my initial obgyn visit on April 5th, where I'll be 10 wks n 2 days. I'm not sure if they're going to schedule me for one at 12 wks or not. I hope so. The suspense is crazy!
  • edited March 2011
  • I'm 13w 4d and I just want to comfort other scared mommies all I do is pee a lot and boobs did hurt till like 11.5 Weeks but no sickness no nothin else I eat just fine and sleep normal had an ultra sound 3 days ago and baby is perfectly healthy and normal :) plus I just wanted to rub it in a little to all the other full force symptom mommies :p lol
  • @kbg10 haha thats great to know u dont have many symptoms and baby is healthy. That makes me a bit more reassured :)
  • That made me smile n feelbetter(*) I hope someday I can reminisce about an easy pregnancy!
  • Me too @alilboulding aha. Would be lovely to just carry on floating through the pregnancy knowin everything is fine!
  • I'll be nine weeks on Monday and that's when I go for my first appointment. Which I have had no symptoms other then.fatigue peeing a lot and my boobs are just sensitive to the touch.
  • Lil_bit17 and everyone else, had myy scan yesterday and it was absolutley amazing. The pic was so clear, i defo recommend holding your pee in til u get belly ache cuz that is the fullest ur bladder will take. Absolutley loving not having any symptoms and still knowin everything is fine, anyone else had there scan this week?
  • My scan is on the 20th April, really looking forward to it... Had an early scan because of a bleed and saw everything was fine... saw it's little heartbeat, amazing! With reference to this subject title... I thought I was getting away with morning sickness until 6 weeks hit and EVERY day since I have been feeling sick - You are sooo lucky! :) lol

    Hope everything goes well for you and you have a lovely smooth pregnancy throughout! I, however cannot wait for the first trimester to be over! haha. x
  • My husband really has the symptoms. Craves things all day. Diff odd things I have never seen him eat in the past 6 yrs.lol and he was sick when I first found out. I'm enjoying being free of morning sickness I'm just really tired all day and cramp here & there, o yeah and peeing everytime I get comfortable.
  • You guys suck for not feeling sick! Lol wish I wasn't sick! At least the need to per and the tiredness seem to be universal ;)
  • I mean pee* oopsies!
  • I'm 9 weeks and don't really feel pregnant anymore, which scares the crap out of me. The only symptom I really have anymore is fatigue. My boobs are only sore if pressed on - some smells still turn my stomach but haven't had much nausea this week. First pregnancy ended in mc so everything scares me - as positive as I try to stay. Have Dr appt on Tuesday and can't wait!
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