8 weeks pregnant, no sickness and feeling great!!



  • @kacileigh thats your body telling you to rest. Listen to your body and its needs! I remember during my first pregnancy I worked a lot! and tried to ignore some of my bodys cry for help. I'm not saying thats the cause, but it ended in a miscarriage. My doctor and family only let me lounge around and take care of myself. No work /: but all I'm saying is dont ignore your needs, if you need to rest, then REST! Lol
  • I'm 6 weeks and I don't have many symptoms. Sore back if I sit too long. Work peeing more often, and breast tender. If this lasts I will be a happy camper. First appointment is still week away hope all is going ok.
  • @Amedic10 I'm 6wks as well & feel perfectly normal besides peeing every 5seconds..but other than that I'm good..
  • Puked last night for the first time...was feeling great until then, I will be 6 weeks tomorrow. Horrible headaches as well :(( x
  • Im 9 weeks and 3 days now and im still in the same boat as when i posted this topic, i havent got any morning sickness, im just tired and i nap whenever i possibly can. I feel for all of you going through the sickness, looks like im just a lucky one fingers crossed i stay the same. :) xx
  • I had no ms with my first 4 my second I had some and this one.... I M 8w 5d and live on Zofran.
  • I thought I was odd no feeling anything too different. I'm hungrier than normal and sore boobs but that went away. Heaps of energy, bit worried things will change cos all the advice sites say differently.
  • I think every pregnancy is different and these sites can give you real life happenings and feelings when talking to other expecting mothers. Writers of advice sites are probably old men or women who havent even had children haha. Go on what others experience and what your doctor says :) thats how i think through my pregnancy
  • Hi yu guys im very new to this and afraid i just want to know is it normal to have NO symtoms at all at about five or six weeks i mean im estimated im late on my period and i need help thanks -felisha
  • Does anybody get frequent headaches? I battled with them months before i got pregnant..but being pregnant I'm trying to not take anything even wat they say is okay..i don't get them every day but often enough they are bothering me..
  • Im 19w 6days noo morning sickness at all jus tired at the beginnin bt feeling grrat now always feelin my hyper bby go find out da bbys sex 2mara st patricks day!!prayn for a girl..my diva!
  • I'm 7 weeks and was getting really paranoid that as only symptoms were cramps, sore boobs and constant weeing, was I really pregnant. But hearing you guys had made me feel a bit better about it all. The main thing that makes me feel pregnant at moment is my huge bloated tummy!
  • Im about 6 wks and I don't feel prego. Every now and then I will feel cramping.. but haven't had any bleeding or anything. I am hungry a lot but that is about it...
  • You guys are lucky, ill be 8 weeks tomorrow and ive been sick for almost 3 weeks. I pray it ends soon.
  • Lucky ladies. I am so sick everyday. Ugh. Can't eat, my bf is eating everything in sight. I have small boons but my gosh they hurt. I feel so old and i'm only 26 and this is my third angel. The first two were just as bad. Ugh the stuff we do for our babies!!! Good luck ladies!
  • Lucky you. I was such my while first tri with both pregnancies.
  • Lucky! Lol
  • @ kacileigh I suffer from migrane headaches bfore now pregnant I still get but not as much, I understand u completely about not wanting to take nothing! Try Tylenol, accordin to doctors it is safe! Thats what I use to take b4 n my other children are super fine n healthy! Or try buyin Vicks vapor rub, the original, rub it in ur forehead n th sides as well n begind ur ears n lay down n rest if u can! You can also do this to b4 bed, it soothes you to sleep faster!
  • Thanks @mrs_riviere82! Ill try the vicks! I still don't want to take even tylenol at this early stage in my pregnancy so ill try the vicks..
  • I'm glad to see i am not alone. The only symptoms I have is fatigue and peeing a lot. Ill be in my 6 week tomorrow. I was starting to worry Somemething my be wrong with the baby. This is my first pregnancy
  • Im 5 wks 6 days im sick all the time yuck cant stamd this part bein drinking gatwrade eatin crackers fruots cant keep no big meal down
  • 10 weeks and 1 day today and i feel greatttt still!
  • 7w2d just sore boobs before bed &upon waking peeing like crazy...@5&;6w nausious no appetite...better now but I always have a starving feeling
  • Ahhhhh 8 weeks and feel like shit. :(
  • i can't wait til my 12 week scan on the 4th april because i'm getting a bit scared of how normal and fine im feeling. hopefully im just luckyy!! xx
  • @josiemariemummytobe I feel the exact same way! I go for my 12 week scan on the 28 this month. I haven't gotten sick at all and have felt normal the entire pregnancy. I saw the heartbeat at 8 weeks and everything was great, but I'm still nervous.
  • @lil_bit17 yeah i saw a kidney bean with a heartbeat at 6 weeks :) so i know everything is fine but it just makes me nervous, same as you. don't get me wrong, it's nice to feel normal and not have any sickness but it is worrying isn't it!! keep me informed with your scan and let me know how it goes yeah? always nice to know that nerves can be knocked on the head from one scan haha. all the best in your pregnancy!
  • @josiemariemummytobe I will definately keep you updated! Let me know how your appt goes too >:D< I can't help but be nervous because this is my first.
  • @lil_bit17 this is my first aswell and i'm young so it's all different but exciting haha. :) can't wait til my scan now!
  • Im 8wks n ive had no morning sickness or anything bt trip out on this my man is the 1 getting all the sickness n all the cravings, is any1 elses husbands going thru this???
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