worried about my pregnant friend

edited March 2011 in Pregnant
My friend Is 20 years old and she 21 weeks pregnant the thing is she drinks (gets drunk) 3-4 times a week and she also takes drugs she also has a bf in prison not childs farther he asks her 2 take things into him(drugs) am realy worried 4 her should I say something 2 her or not? Would realy like advice if any body willing 2 give me sum!


  • Yes try talking to her if you can. Am not sure how the conversation should start or say but defenetly talk to her about this its very dangerous for her and the baby
  • My step mom's sister drank and did drugs while pregnant and dcs took the baby away from her as soon as she gave birth. The child now has a lot of health and developmental problems. Its so sad. You should try to talk to your friend and tell her how much she is hurting that baby.
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  • Oh my gosh :( I knew a girl who didn't want her baby but she was too lazy to get an abortion, so she would have people punch her stomach, she would drink and do ecstasy, and she wouldn't eat. Your friend sounds all sorts of messed up and I'd take Mama_Kat's advice. It may sound harsh, but she is intentionally messing up her baby.
  • id say talk to her about it.. b4 you go to cps... maybe she just needs a reminder of what is important... let her know you are worried about her and baby... if she doesnt want the baby and for some reason couldnt get an abortion let her know that the baby shouldnt suffer for that... that you'll help her through it and yall can talk about the whole being pregnant together and share symptoms and such... but please talk to her first alot of women cant stop their addictions while pregnant be it alcohol drugs cigarettes or even an imprisoned bf(the adrenaline from sneaking things in can act as a drug) so take the time to try to help her b4 you call cps and she loses her baby... if it doesnt help then id say go for it...

    im sorry if this whole thing sounds rude i just get very emotional when it comes to addictions because i know for a fact that there are addictive personalities, but i also know for a fact that babies can be born addicted to drugs, although not all of them will have health problems or mental problems in their life it still affects them growing up... i was a heroine and cocaine baby and am doing great.
  • Honestly, I wouldn't say anything to her for the simple fact that she knows what she is doing is dead a** wrong. I would just pray for her and the baby and hope that everything works out for the best!
  • I am a child protection worker and I urge you to contact child protection services in your area. I have seen many babies born addicted to all kinds of substances. By a long shot, I have seen alcohol cause far more PERMANENT damage than any illegal substance. The damage is already done and there's nothing you can do to fix that but you can at least prevent further harm after this poor child is born.
  • I would warn your friend of what she is doing to that poor baby and let her know that the state will take that baby if the placenta is tested positive for drugs and alcohol.... poor baby i pray god wraps his protective arms around that baby.
  • That poor baby! Please tell a service worker. I pray for them both & I also pray for you, I hope you get the strength to tell someone who can stop this! Breaks my heart & I'm sorry you're in this situation!
  • Thanx everyone 4 the advice iv rang her and arranged 2 meet 4 coffee 2morrow I dont no how am goin 2 start the convo but after readin every thing u have all said I feel I have 2 say something I jus hope she listens
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  • Call CPS anonymously! That she wouldn't kno who called I got a cousin who drank n smoked weed da entire pregnancy n w wanted to snitched on her a** becuz she knew better.. but baby is healthy as of now who knows what he'll b like in da long run
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