first peanut, first ultrasound :)

edited January 2011 in Pregnant
So, I have been to the doctors a couple of times, started my genetic couseling and yesterday had my 10 week ultrasound. I couldn't believe it. It was truly the most wonderful thing I had ever seen! There was the lil peanut, moving around like mad...waving at us and it just brought tears to my eyes! I have a few friends with children and another who is pregnant with her first, but I just wanted to share how amazing the experience was! Those of you that have read my other post know I am doing this alone, so I just wanted to share with you all as well. I look forward to hearing similar stories and some what's to come stories! When can they tell the gender? I may be getting an amnio, so I know that will tell for sure...but is there a shot at my 13 week ultrasound?

Anyhow! Cheers to seeing the peanut for the first time! I put the pics on my fridge!


  • Awww.. I got my 1st ultrasound at 12 weeks. The little jelly bean was going crazy in my belly. I've heard that the gender can't be told 100% till about the 18th week.. I have to wait till March 4th for my gender sonogram and the suspense is killing me!! I have an appointment today and I wana see if I can get a sonogram sooner lol! I'm already 14 weeks and 4 days. I'm sorry you're doing this on your own, but you always got your belt buddies on here! :) good luck hunnie, hope everything works out for the best
  • Sorry lol I meant belly buddies** these "smart" phones "fix" everything I type
  • Wow! That's so exciting!! You made me want to tear up a little! Damn emotions! Lol when I heard my 8yr olds heart beat for the first time I bawled. I was 19 and honestly didn't know what I would do. I was at basic training for the army and I didn't get a choice to hear. I knew right then the baby was mine. Such a beautiful moment!
    You're going to be a great mommy! So strong for your little peanut! :D
  • Thanks! Yes, so amazing! The heartbeat also made me cry (lol...such a mush) 175...that's one active lil one!
    @mom2be0529 lol belt buddies sounds cute too, like put on your seat belt! Haha I have my genetic sonogram/testing next week. Back to back tv shows of the peanut! Yah! I think I'm going to try to take video this time! :) so excited!
  • Lol well seat belts are important, especially at this time. I can't wait till I'm further along, I want to get the 3D ultrasound but it looks better when the baby's fatter lols
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