So now he wants to keep it...
Well last night BF came ovr & stayed the night wit me..& throughout the night I was having really bad stomach pains not like cramps jus a really bad pain & it continued throughout the day..had to tell my boss I was pregnant so she would knw what was she let me leave early & my BF met me at the er..the did a vag ultrasound & of course its too early to see a heart beat (only 5wks) but we did see the sac & his eyes lit up like a kid on Christmas morning! After they said everything ok & we left he said we should think a little more about keeping & wants to cancel my appt Saturday for the abortion & the last 2night he been spending every second catering to my needs..which is what I wanted him to do is show he thing is what makes him think whatever he says goes?? jus because he said he wanted an abortion I was suppose to do it now that he says he wants to keep it I'm suppose to jus say MY BODY MY CHOICE! so I'm still thinkn what I want to do
Congrats to u anyway!
You do follow through with abortion I guess Id say it'd be a better situation to go in saying "its not the right time but I had his support either way" then feeling forced into doing it. If you do decide to keep the baby wait til you get your us later on down the road hell really light up. I got one at 13 weeks 2 days yesterday and it was like an actual human and it was eating.. so cute. Good luck