How old is too old for a paci?! Opinions please!

edited March 2011 in Parenting
I recently saw a pic of Suri Cruise (who is almost 5) with a pacifier in her mouth!!! What are your thoughts/opinions on this? Before this topic gets out of hand please know that I am asking for opinions... whether you're for it or against it... I want to hear it all. There's no need to judge other parents but I want to know your personal opinion!!!


  • I just read that the American Academy of Pediatrics suggests that by the age of 1 children should no longer be using a paci. My daughter never took to the paci but my husband and I had already talked about it when I was pregnant... he wanted it to be gone by the time she was 10 months, I said 12 months... we both agreed that she would NOT be using it after her 1st birthday.
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  • I have 3 kids and not all of them took to it but rule in my house is binky is gone by 6 months and bottle by their first birthday
  • I have to agree bigmamak! The bottle was gone in our house by my daughter's first birthday, it was so easy... no big deal. I think the longer you wait, the harder it is to get rod of it!!!
  • I think if the child is eating solid foods, learning to talk and in some cases starting to eat baby food it is time to retire the infant soother. I would say 9 months tops. And that is pushing it. But t each his own, and it can be circumstancial I al sure.
  • My step daughter had hers still she was six, just at night. It drove me crazy! I was just new to the relationship so I couldn't say anything. My baby will loose no later than 3 or earlier. It is definitely harder to get rid of it when they are older.
  • my son had his out by 6 months the daycare he attends is not a big fan on them so they work with him to make sure he didn't need one. it helped that they had been with him since six wks
  • I let my first 2 girla keep em until they were almost 3. Then now with my 3rd we got rid of it b4 she was 2. I think they are amazing if you like to actually sleep. 5 is a bit too big. However, we dont know her life. It comforts her so why not let her keep it.
  • This is hilarious! My bf saw it on the Today show too, and it was the first thing he asked me when I woke up this morning! :) My boys didn't take to them, but they were in the NICU for three weeks, so we just never had any paci's after they came home. I don't think that we are going to be offering it to the baby either. They drive my bf crazy apparently.
  • My daughter was off hers by her 1st birthday, the bottle too. If this new little guy takes to one, the same will go for him.
  • My son is 18months and still uses one.the dr said its ok for his teeth she said bottles do way more damage she wants me to get him on a sippy cup.he has been not wanting his Binky so much really only when he doesn't feel good or in the car.his bottles on the other hand I can't get him off them he hates all zippy frustrating. He is my 4th and all my others nvr wanted binkys past 3months and transitioned perfectly to zippy cups.I believe its a personal decision whatever keeps mommy and baby happy.
  • Yeah that is also why she got to keep it. Her parents were just divorced when she was 4.
  • I stopped my little from the bottle and paci cold turkey at around 26 months, no issues at all, I think I was more scared to stop her from using both because I didnt want my baby to grow up so fast but not having the panic attack before bedtime for the paci anymore was a good trade off
  • My step son had one until he was 6 and I hated it but his mum used to give it to him to shut him up. My girls had them for sleep time only until they were 18 months cause that took them to Xmas, they then left them for Santa to take to give to other girls and boys in exchange for a special present. It worked really well and they never asked for it again x
  • I plan on stopping my baby at 18 months....
  • Now the thumb on the other hand is way harder. My nephew will be 4 and that is when he hopefully will learn not to use that. My sister is putting something on his thumb.
  • That's a good idea with the santa clause thing:)
  • My nephew had his until he was nearly 4. My sister tried to get rid of it before but he wasn't ready, and it really wasn't worth the fight. My oldest had his till around 1 (very occasionally) but then he stuck the whole thing in his mouth and I threw them all away that day. My youngest didn't like them much, he was done by 3 months. I figure, if the kid likes it, it's not a huge deal. Id say by school age they must be gone, but i'd much prefer that to thumb sucking, the thumb is way worse for their teeth. I throw all my bottles away on my kids' first birthdays. My youngest refused to drink for two whole days, after I got rid of his bottles (I gave him soup and lots of fruit to make up for it) but he gave in eventually. :)
  • I used one with my first and this one will have one too however by age two it will be gone.. and I saw the pic with suri cruise and a binky as well and I agree she is way to old for it, did you see the pic with her and her bottle!??! Yup she is still on a bottle and over 5.. That I don't agree with..
  • I love the santa idea.
  • My daughter didn't really use a pacifier after 8 months and then one day around 14 months she was getting big teeth in molars or something and I had to wean her off the breast because of morning sickness. She saw her old paci and has been using it ever since. It helped her start sleeping through the night and calms her down when she's upset. She's 20 months now and I try not to have her use it during the day but we do have her sleep with it. On a side note I remember sucking my thumb well into middle school to go to bed. I did have braces but my orthodontist said it was hereditary not because of thumb sucking.
  • Well, from a dental standpoint, 2 yrs is a good age to stop. after that it can push not only their teeth, but redesign their palate bone to form outwards.
  • My two year old still uses her binky. I HATE it, but with two older brothers always sticking it in her mouth and a dad that can't stand crying, we're gonna have a hard time. Not even gonna give the new baby a paci. Im gonna blanket train her.
  • My son was off the paci at 6mo and the bottle at 10mo.. he didn't miss either at all.. he didn't like the paci much I kinda forced it on him bc they look soooo cute with a paci!... its not cute when you see a walking, talking kid with a pacifier
  • I thought I'd be strick about this but my daughter wasn't a self soother and so I let her have a binki for sleep only from 1 to 2. She never had a favorite blanket or toy she bonded with. Then she was old enough to explain what was going on. I asked the dr and she didn't have any concerns. By age 3 I think it's ridiculous.
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