Do i have to have an IV when i deliver?

edited March 2011 in Pregnant
With my first I was induced so obviously an iv was nessecary. I'm pregnant with my second one now and hope to wait for the baby to come out naturally. So do they put an iv in even when your not inducing and have no complications?


  • Yes, just on case they do have to administer medication to you at some point during your delivery.
  • I believe they do to keep you hydrated. I'm not 100% sure though. With my first they gave me one right away and I was going to try without pain meds.
  • Yes! Anything could go wrong at any moment and you need an IV for emergency medications. The last thing the doctors and nurses want to be doing in an emergency situation is starting an IV.
  • That's what I was figuring. I was hoping I could wiiggle out of it lol. I'm not a big fan of needles and ivs but if it must be done then ill just have to deal. Whatever is safest/best for the baby.
  • No it depends on the policy at the hospital
    If you have am epidural then you do for sure.
  • I had my daughter natrally and they put the iv me but just taped it back and they never used it was A just in case kinda thing.
  • edited March 2011
    I don't know if it was because I got to the hospital right before delivery but I didn't have one with my daughter.
  • I didn't have one with my son. That was about 6 years ago. I'm hoping I don't have to have one this go round either!
  • It is required at the hospital i go to. They hydrate you with it. I went through two bags of hydration fluid before i delivered and then they left it in after baby was born to hydrate me again. They can also do paibn meds through it if you opt out of the epidural which is what i am doing with this one.
  • Yes iz a mus dat dea do it ncase sumen goes wrng dea dnt hve 2 b rushn 2 put 1 n cuz iz alrdy n dea. I hated havn dat thng n my hand 2yrs ago naw I gta get it again n 3mnths. Ugh
  • You could ask about a heplock, they start the iv but don't connect it to anything, its just ready to go if they need it.
  • Yeah they will fight you to put it in but if you don't want it even if its their policy you are allowed to ask for heplock they will check for only 15 mins of an hour sometimes not so much depends on the nurse u get ..its much better for your baby w/o because you can speed up your labor by being active ..a lot of times if your hospital has a no eating/drinking policy they require you to be constantly monitored :( boo on hospitals darn policies..
  • Luckily im delivering at a teaching hospital with an experienced midwife. I had my last baby in the car, so if they don't do what i want, ill threaten to walk out and have baby in parking lot!
  • edited March 2011
    Last birth I asked not have it and OB said I had to get one. I told her I wouldn't need it and didn't. This time I'm going with a different practice/hospital and a midwife. She said if I refuse it that I have to sign a waiver and they have to listen. I hated getting the heplock so I'm definantly refusing it. I think they are pointless unless theirs an emergency in which case nurses and Dr are trained to do medical procedures like putting in an IV shunt quickly. Good luck. I would see what your doc/midwife says. You will probably need them to advocate for you on this one
  • Yeah at the hospital i go to they have the no eating no drinking policy til after baby is born.
  • At any hospital it is their policy that you have to have an iv in you wether it's used our not incase of emergency. The only way you can get out of it is if the Dr writes an order for you to not have one, but with you in labor and there always being a chance something might not go as planed I doubt the dr will write that order but you can ask her anyways
  • Even if u don't need it during the delivery a lot of times they have to give it to stop the bleeding after.
  • Yeah To keep you hydrated
  • @4senough man ur post just made my day =] your def a trooper I'm so scared for labor I remeber watching the movies in highscool and the poor women screaming her head off
  • @Mommy2be92 its not like that at all. I'm little and had my first at 19, second at 22, no drugs, and gonna be third at 24. easiest thing ever.
  • @mommy2be92 Nah. My labor and delivery were so good with my daughter, im actually looking forward to the labor this time. I rocked! No pain, no screaming, making jokes and talking in between contractions. I was superwoman for 5 hours, and we met our daughter driving 95 miles an hour down the highway.
  • @snreda really I'm afraid like I'm gonna scream and there gonna yell at me. And the epidural I seen the needle for that thing and it looks like if u. End up moving out of reaction ur screwed
  • @4senough wow your super women lol that's crazy. Well that's super cool just thought I would say your proably every pregnant womens hero
  • You Barely feel the epidural. The contractions are the worst and it just feels like period cramps, it just gets annoying. If you go in there with the mindset you can do it, it'll be smooth.
  • @mommy2be92 I've heard lots of birth stories like mine. Its not that uncommon. A woman in my area (missouri) has all her kids at home and she has 7.
  • @4senough I guess I've just been watching all the wrong birth movies and wow that's amazing
  • @mommy2be92 i knew i could do it, so i did. It really is in your mindset.
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  • @almost4. I would be so pisses at my doc if that happened!!!
    @4senough I agree with you labor doesn't have to be like it is in the movies. It all depends on being prepared and having a good support team. I sang while pushed while I was in labor with my daughter who was 9lbs 9 oz. It kept my mind off pushing. We tried to maintain a calm room during delivery and it kept everyone at ease. I am also really excited to give birth this time. It makes me feel like a champion.
    @crazybeautiful_456 I would google woman sings while giving birth and watch some really good calm positive births before you decide how you want to handle things in labor. It doesn't have to be an awful screaming chasing ordeal.
  • What is heplock? Sorry Im new to this
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