Do i have to have an IV when i deliver?



  • I didnt with my second ull have to find out about hospital policy if they bought that in her though I would happily have bub in the car at the hospital
  • I work in the medical field and just worked my rounds on the labor and delivery floor ...they do need to put an IV in you just in case of an emergency situation some give you some normal saline which is just used to put fluids into your body then some just need the iv just in case but on the plus side if you have an IV unless you need blood drawn most of the time they don't have to poke you again because they can administer your medication right through the IV sight but its defiantly better to have one prior to delivery because there was one woman on Wednesday that I was watching the delivery and she had an IV in her right arm that she was getting fluids from but after the birth of her daughter she started bleeding kind of bad and all of the doctors and nurses were freeking out saying het someone to try to start an IV on her quick and then a very experienced tech came in and tried to put an IV in her left arm 3 times with no success then the nurse tried twice with no success so luckily she stopped bleeding pretty fast and the doctor had been able to give her the medication that she needed through the IV that was already in place prior to her delivering or that could have potentially been a bad situation...but now mom and baby are both great but that's just one little story for you...they aren't that bad I let the students practice putting them in me all the time lol but anyway good luck and have a happy healthy pregnancy :)
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