8 weeks?

edited January 2011 in First Trimester
Can anyone tell me if theres anything to expect within the 8th week? or is it just like the 7th lol Still waiting to find out when i have my first appointment, no date confirmed yet though :(
My morning sickness is getting worse day by day now, hope its a gd thing as i heard women who experience morning sickness have less chance of miscarriage. Im 8 weeks today and so excited :D


  • Congrats to you hun I'm just gone 8weeks also with my first an going through a fair bit of morning sickness too . Not throwing up but just feel like motion sickness. Not much new to expect this week I don't think . Can't wait for my ultra sound which isn't till the 17th of Feb . Wish it was September already !! Good luck with everything sweets :)
  • Congrats also! :) Yeh, im not physically sick, its just the feeling, even after i eat sometimes. Ahh okays :) I ahve no idea when mine is :( my doc said she was sorting it and reffering me or something..and im to expect a letter with details..i hope she is booking my appointment, as i really want one soon, as 2 months ago i was diagnosed with a cyst on one of my ovaries which worried me as it caused me a little pain. Recently ive been experiencing the same pain, so id like to know if its the cyst or if im having an eptopic pregnancy..but i also ge pains the other side of my body so may just be me expanding i hope ^^" lol I want everything to be fine and it to be September so soon, im so excited :D gd luck to you and hope everythings going good :)x
  • I hope you get your ultrasound soon!! It is a very rewarding experience! !!!!! :) I too have had horrible sickness but I have seem to realize that also a lot of it is in my head! Since I did get sick before now if I feel anything I automatically think of how I felt before and am puking again, confusing...I know lol I guess what I am trying to say is the more you think about it...the more sick you may be ( just my opinion no facts of my lil theory lol)
    sometimes in the morning right when I wake up I will feel like i am sick so I will just strt jumping around and goofing off with my bf so I do not think about it and sure enough it goes away :)
  • Me too, me and my fiance are looking forward to it soo much :)
    Ahh..i dont think its in my head to be honest, even when i dont think about it il just randomly feel sick lol..i dunno how it works ^^"
    I cant do that in a morn as we dont live together lol
  • Yeah I don't doubt you that's why I said that's just my own little crazy theory my brain came up with lol plus noones ever the same with pregnancies ;) but also I did read that sometimes exercise helps sometimes with nausea...so even if your hunny isn't there in the morning maybe if you can find the will power when you start to feel.real sick to go walk around the house or something then hopefully that would help :) just trying to help with suggestions because I know how horrible this morning sickness is, I don't wish it upon nobody! Lol
  • Morning sickness usually indicates high hormone levels, so it's definitely a "good" thing. :) there shouldn't be much new to expect by the week during the rest of the first trimester. You probably have most of the symptoms you'll get, they'll just get more or less intense. Round ligament pain might start (or start to get worse, if you've already had it) as the baby gets bigger. I am also in my 8th week, and this trimester feels like it's going so slow to me!
  • Im glad about the morning sickness just hope it isnt too bad for too long lol ^^ and yep i have the normal symptoms which are getting stronger week by week lol i have terrible cramps and pain in my thighs at times but not always. And YEP its goig too SLOW!! :( lol
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