@crumbledcookie I'm doing ok it's weird I figured out that I had to of gotten pregnant at about the middle to the end of last month which is when I got pregnant with Abby and I would have had the baby in April like Abby!!! I could be wrong but I'm pretty sure I'm right!!!! It makes me sad but I just keep thinking my little angel went to heaven with my other family!!!!
@abbys_mommy yeah I rember your name and yeah that is about right bc I got pgnt July 10 and my due date was I think April fools. Txt me when u can @mrsg no the dog left sorry I haven't been on much.
@mrsg no the dog left sorry I haven't been on much.
@salasMommy ok will due!
How's the little man doing?
Ugh still my smiley sh** is messed up roar
@SalasMommy yeah she came on april 1st and was due april 2nd
@MrsG how are you doing today??
@mrsg ugh I am having a bad day seriously!!!!
@abbys_mommy lol i think its time to start tempest on cereal for real, she went through 4 89oz in 4 hrs lol