so im on team..

edited March 2011 in Pregnant
Blue!! Found out my baby is a boy today! Were very we will have one of each! At first he didn't want to show us but we got to see his penis and scrotum (tmi) husbands in shock, he swore we would have all girls. Yay!


  • Oh and that intelligender test was wrong for me btw.
  • That's good to know, everyone seems to think they are so accurate since they know someone that it was right for. We took two & both said boy, we confirm by US on Thursday!! I'm super excited! Congrats for team blue!!
  • Aww, congrats on your son!
  • Congratulations! Score another one for team blue. ;)
  • Aw congrats! I can't wait to be able to find out the sex BUT for some reason I have a strong feeling its a boy...which is what my bf always said he wanted as our first. Have quite a few weeks to find out, I'm only 9wks
  • Thanks everyone!
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