to get your period? I'm 3 months pp and I'm breastfeeding, idk if this is normal or not? before I got pregnant my periods were normal. I also have an iud that I got about 1 1/2 months ago.
@1stwoodsbaby ok thanks, right before I got my iud in I blead for a day so I thought it was my period. and of course I blead after. just was curious because I haven't had a period.
Some woman it doesn't come back unntil their baby is introduced to solids. Some go even longer, like two+ years pretty much the whole time thhey are nursinng.
Mine came back at Five months pp (technnically I ovulated at 4 months, got pregnant and misscarrried) and I was ebf. It sucked ,I felt jipped. Lol I had hoped to go longer without my period.
Sorryy for thhe spelling and what not my phone key board is busted.
I got my first period 5 weeks pp not sure if it has to do with my ob power washing out my uterus to clear the clots i had after the daughter
ok thanks ladies I guess it's different for everyone. I dnt mind not having one at all but I makes me think. I dnt need another lo right now lol. I just hope this iud works
Mine came back at Five months pp (technnically I ovulated at 4 months, got pregnant and misscarrried) and I was ebf. It sucked ,I felt jipped. Lol I had hoped to go longer without my period.
Sorryy for thhe spelling and what not my phone key board is busted.
mine came back ar 6 mo pp, ebf, no solids till 8 months.