11wks 4 days bleeding a lil bit on my way to the ER PRAY 4 ME PLZ!

edited March 2011 in Pregnant
I'm soooooo scared


  • all the best love xo
  • Prayers! Dont stress, hugz too!
  • I am almost 8 weeks and have been spotting for over a week now. I went to the ER too when it started and they said that I had a "threatened misscarriage." But that was over a week ago and I have had an ultrasound since and baby is still there with a heartbeat. Don't let it scare you too much! They told me just to monitor it and go back in if it gets heavy or I have cramping. Sending prayers your way!
  • I had that happen when I was pregnant w/ my son but it wasnt too heavy & there wasnt any cramping, and he turned out fine....hope everythings alright for you.
  • Thankx u guys its not heavy very light I going to make sure everything is ok
  • I hope all is well... prayers
  • As long as it's not heavy bleeding followed by cramping you should be fine...light spotting is normal...hope all is well.
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