Who's closing up shop?



  • edited August 2011
    I'm shutting this sucka down! Hubby wants a son but there's no guarantee. He goes between agreeing and wanting to try again. He can try but not with me.
  • Im 34 n i have a 17 yr old a 9 yr old n a 2 yr old n im due sept 10th wit a baby girl n my bf has a 25 yr old from previous relationships me n him r 10 yrs apart! so yes im getting my tubes tied!
  • Im 30 and just had baby #5 and got my tubes tied.im so upset this is it.I want more but I really can't b pregnant ever again.it probley sounds crazy but my daughter sees a consular who is awesome im goin to have a couple sessions with her to talk about how sad I feel.she allays has great advice so/I know she will/make/me feel better
  • I am 30 & pregnant with baby #3. Hubby & I both agree that this is it.
  • Iam definitely going to be done after I get pregnant again.. It will be my third csection. I am about to turn 36 next month.
  • My ankles and my feet also agree that they are done.
  • Closing shop after this baby #4 (big age gap between my kids). Cant wait to have unprotected sex and not be or get pregnant haha
  • edited April 2013
    I will be 29 in May and I am closing up shop after this one. Three girls 8, 6 and 1 and due with a boy in 5 weeks.
  • I will be 25 and closing mine up after this baby!
  • I'm 27, currently only have one lo. Well be ttc #2 in August. Then, after that we'll be done. I'm two and done lol
  • I'm 27 & hubby is 25. I have been miserable with this pregnancy. I always wanted it, but now - I never want to do it again (and I'm only 12 weeks). Brandon argues, but I want to shut this shop down! lol Hoping to be one and done!
  • Im 26 hb its 33 I have 2 girls from previous relationship and he has 1 girl from previous relationship we have a 1 yo boy and expecting another boy we all agree this was done before even started lmaooooo
  • This shop has been closed since Oct. 2011
  • I'm 27 and I closed up shop Nov 2011. I have 3 kids.
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