NoNo, you can try again right away! It just may take time. Make sure you stay on your vitamins and find a doctor when you become pregnant again that will be very understanding.
Proudmammy I am 5 weeks pregnant and I have had 3 miscarriages and one ectopic pregnancy. I have a good feeling about this one and my cousin had similar problems and she now has 4 children. So don't give up it will happen in God's time and you are not alone many women have miscarriages like us and end up with large families
I am so sorry for your losses. Hopefully you will be able to conceive again and have a healthy pregnancy. Unfortunately miscarriages are very common. I've had 3.
I had a miscarry in december of 09 it was really hard especially around my due date however I got pregnant around my due date n what's ment to be will im sorry for ur loss but god has a plan n baby waiting for u
Proud mammy- I would wait for at least 6 months so that Ur body and mind can heal. I got pregnant and lost it before 6 weeks. Got pregnant again and lost it within days of my ultrasound and it was very hard as it still brlngs me tears. This time I waited 7 months and so far so good.
Hi m2bhope. I'm just going to try this month by the end of this month if nothing happened I'm going to give up.because its really hard when you really want something and sometimes you can't have it I'm praying and hoping that this month its going to bring me what I really want I'm positive and I'm trying so hard to conceive.
I lost my first child yesterday. I was 6w2d. Maybe if you let your body rest then your time to be a Mommy will come. God does all things for a reason even if we don't understand. Don't give up faith and don't quit trying just get yourself right mentally and physically. Let yourself cope. My finance and I are not gonna try again for a while. Only to let things heal for both of us. Don't give up. We aren't giving up on you. I wish you all the best<3
My heart goes to u contin to rest and eat healthy as is u were still preg have sex every other 2 days after period 3 wks is ovu time stay on prenat viti and dha one a day is great i conceeived less than 4wk wit them and rem dont think bout it its hard but at least dont durin intercourse u will b b4 u kno it make sure they have u high risk dnt giveup keep in touch how far were u
I ended up having a miscarriage in Dec. And it started out as light spotting and this happened for a few days but the nurse said everything sounded fine since it wasn't a lot until the 3rd day of spotting I woke up and went to pee and blood came out. I had to go to the hospital so they could take blood and do an hcg count but it was low. Then the doctor examined me and showed me and me husband What he found. Worst day of my life I'm Just thankful it happened early. I wish you the best!!!
Everything happens for a reason! It may not be what we want but its for a purpose! After my mc I ended up getting pregnant again so now I'm going on 7 weeks. I'm very nervous though but keeping my fingers crossed and my head up! Your time will come sweetie. God bless!!!
I understand what you went through. I had a mc when I was 19 both me and my boyfriend was gutted. But now I am 7 weeks Preg again after 8 months since the mc and I look back now and it was properly for the best. Were both in a better situation and although you'll never forget it these things happen for a reason x good luck for the future sweet heart x
Hi, I'm so sorry for your loss. I would advise you to not try to get pregnant again for atleast 6 months so ur uterus could recoup and would be more ready for conception again.
@proudmammy I am so sorry to hear about your loss. I just went through the same exact thing. Bleeding after intercourse. Went to the ER on Thursday night and got the worse news of my life. We really thought this was the one for us. But our time is coming. we can chat if you ever want/ need someone to talk to.
Sorry to share my life story but just know you are not alone. God is so close to the broken hearted. He has us in the palm of His hands and when He knows it is right He will bless us w/ a very special baby.
Hi dollfacemommie! I'm so sorry for your loss. How far you was? Sure anytime you want to talk let me know.I give you my email its. and tell me how happen? Take care and just be positive. God loves you
I too had two miscarriages w in 6 months, my boyfriend and I were devestated and I became horribly depressed, it almost ruined us. We finally got our lives back together, and when we were least thinking about it, we conceived two months later, suprisingly. Things seem to be working fine now at 16 weeks, but our fingers are still crossed.
Its so hard but be patient, and it will happen and too, be aware of depression and stay upbeat, it grabbed me By the throat and almost made me loose more than my baby. Its very real and I was never a down person. So just some kind heads up, stay in the company of loved ones and dont move faster than your emotions can take. Ive had a hard time attaching w my pregnancy now bc of the way I unhealthily coped with my previous miscarriage.
Thanks to everyone. I'm here right now at the clinic waiting to see my doc to confirm my pregnancy and let me know with exactitude how many weeks I'm pregnant
Sorry to share my life story but just know you are not alone. God is so close to the broken hearted. He has us in the palm of His hands and when He knows it is right He will bless us w/ a very special baby.
Take care.
Its so hard but be patient, and it will happen
By the throat and almost made me loose more than my baby. Its very real and I was never a down person. So just some kind heads up, stay in the company of loved ones and dont move faster than your emotions can take. Ive had a hard time attaching w my pregnancy now bc of the way I unhealthily coped with my previous miscarriage.
Take care mammy it will all work out