edited March 2011 in Giving birth
Ok. So I wanna know what's it like to give birth?
I'm scared,curios,worried.


  • Would u believe I was asleep durin labor passoit cold the doctors woke me up sayin its time to push...lol
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  • With my first I had an epidural and laughed through delivery it felt like a bowel movement out the wrong hole lol but with my second I had to go natural cuz the epidural was done wrong and it hurt sooo bad. The shoulders were the worst of it. Good news Ur so busy during the pain it seems to go fast
  • Great question bc I wanna know to!
  • Get ready for the mood swings and the going from hot to cold back to hot then cold. Lol. The closer you get the more shivering you do cause of nerves and body temp changing. I don't know about anyone else but my baby descended so fast down that I started throwing up. Your so exhusted but the minute that baby is out you get this second wind and everything is amazing. To hear the baby cry and to hold it is the best thing in the world. Makes you forget about everything that you just went through.
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  • @kerrideeRN. it is t.m.i. if you know what it stands for. this topic is about v.jays. and you clearly see one person explained it was like a bowel.. (not tryna offend the person who said it,your fine).
  • And BTW the nurses will tell you not to push but if you have to push just ease into the push and let your body do it for you. Don't make your face turn all red just give little pushes and while your doing that exhale. That will help you not push to hard when your not really ready. Its natural for your body to push. Its sending the head down further and helping you dialate. Good luck. Its a wonderful experience.
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  • Wow.... y wud u call her out like tht tht is y we have so much drama now n yes u cnt sugar coat pregnancy it is wat it is.... respect other ppls opinions or disagree with out being rude... or atleast have a purpose Tu comment...@liltigga
  • There is no way to really describe the pain. Its something you have to experience. The contractions hurt really bad but i thought it would be worse.
  • Nothinf compares to the pain u feel when the head crowns "the ring of fire". Uff-dah... thinkingabout it makes me cross my legs in pain. However, that pain is soon forgotten when u finally c ur precious gift. Labor is labor. It is what it is. But, all well worth it. Gets shorter and shorter w each baby.
  • I agree with mome2a09x11 but I would definetely say dont let anyone scare you!! my fear was much worse then the experience itself....the contractions are the worst menstraul cramps ever lol but deep breathes and something to do helped me out alot. I had an epidural after almost 24 hours of labor and so the pushing felt like I had to go to the bathroom like never before ... the shoulders hurt but once I had my daughter I didnt notice anything else that happened.
  • The answer is different for everyone. No one can tell u what to expect or how u r going to feel. I say, educate yourself on possible situations and the best thing you can do in each one. Learn about the beauty of what your body is capable of and believe in yourself. The rest will write itself. Experience it your way and when u r holding your miracle, with any luck the pain will be ancient history. My labor was slow, steady and easy over 9 hrs at home, then my water broke and things happened really fast. We rushed to hosp, scared of a prolasped cord since the baby never dropped. Was dilated when we arrived, doc and doula helped me push her out in 30 min. Crowning was the only part that really hurt but afterwards I was high on birth hormones for hours. I felt fantastic and CAN'T WAIT to do it again, at home with a midwife this time.
  • Every mom experiences something different. Could be no big deal or the worst pain ever. As long as you focus on that beautiful baby, you can get through it. I'm having twins for my 5th pregnancy and I'm more nervous of a c section than pushing two babies out. Best wishes!
  • If we can't talk about it here then what's the point of the forum... I'm more then happy to share my experience and all nay sayers can go tob another post. I think you tmi warning was more then appropriate.

    We did a all natural birth. I started getting small little contractions about once an hour starting at 12 am I did my first few stages of labor at home. We chilled and watched benjamin buttons and I rocked on my exercise ball. I had a good breakfast because I knew I wouldn't be able to eat once things really got going. You will have a bowle movement in the first stages.

    When I had my bloody show (the loss of my mucus plug) we headed to the hospital. I was 6 cm and 70% effaced when we got to the hospital. This was about 3 pm. Not too much pain, just the levle of period cramps.

    I did another stage of labor at the hospital. I peed and pooped durring this stage. Most of the time I was rocking on the toilet so it wasn't a big deal. But a few times I was on the bed, there is a nurse who cleans it up and flushes it for you so no worries. Also by this time I lost all feelings of shame. Its a chemical thing so u will feelthe same.

    I went into transition at about 6:30 pm. Transition sucked. I'm not gonna lie I had back labor, but due to our bradley birth classes we knew the plan for back labor. I moved to all fours and and my birthing team (my husband and mom) applied pressure to my back. It made the contraction not too bad. This stage only lasted about 40 min. I would breath and calm my body between contractions

    I puked once, we use popcicles to keep me hydrated and I ate one too quickly.

    The nurse checked me and said I was fully dialated and effaced and said I could start pushing. Once I could push I had no pain at all. I was high on natural endophins and pushed for about 3 and a half hours. It took a while, but I think I didn't rip because I did everything at my own bodys pace. No pain from the baby coming out just pressure. I felt his head and could hear all the people in the room get excided and start cheering when I would get close. There were a bunch of nurses and 4 docs in the room who wanted to see a natural birth. In one big push his head was out another contraction came and his soulders were out and the last push and he was on my belly. He was so alert and looking around he didn't cry right away he just looked at me. I gave birth at 10:22 pm

    When they took him to clean him he started crying it was beautiful. After that I delivered the after birth. And because I cad no epi I got up and took a shower and was back before they were done checking the baby. I loved my birth it was the most amazing experience of my life :)
  • It didn't hurt me when my daughter was crowning. And I didn't feel her shoulders cuz she popped out all at once.
  • @momE2A09X11 did u have any meds?? && @momfor2 wow so the 4 docs didnt see a natural birth b4 urs??
  • Wow... I'm really looking forward to giving birth naturally... My husband is really excited too. I told him about the Bradley classes and he was all in. This is going to be wonderful...
  • @jellybeans_mommy I was on somethi g thru the iv n pitocin...lmao my labor was 11hrs I didn't feel nothin til it was time to push n omg all of tht hurt lik hell...but I would do it again. Lol
    @modernbradybunch I am also havi. Twins n I'm scared to death of gettin a csection..I would rather push my lil boys out too..I'm hopin they stay head down :X
  • edited March 2011
    No meds at all. :) I was in an interesting situation. My docs had a meeting and dint think they would make it, so the oncall doc was in the room when I started to push then she had to leave a moment so another doc came in to cover. They both stayed when doc 1 came back. Then my real docs made it in time. A husband wife team. All four stayed to watch my birth. There were also about 5 nurses in the room. You would be suprised how little the hospital staff sees natural birth.
  • wow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! im TERRIFIED of needles and im not sure about the epidural but ii dnt want to be in a lot of pain...
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  • @jellybeans_mommy I had absolutely no meds. I think the only thing I had was ibuprofen after because I tore really bad from her shooting out.
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  • I had an epidural so labor was not like how i would imagined. Definately not like the screaming ladies in the movies. It was very uncomfortable at first til they gave me my meds then it was alllll good from there. I watched tv and slept til it was time to push. The delivery part was all smiles. Even the nurses and I had started talking about my toe socks in between pushes. haha. Except for my poor poor husband. He had to hold my leg and had to excuse himself to sit down cause he was going to faint. haha. I would love the idea of doing it naturally, but i have a low tolerance for pain.
  • I was induced the night before, they have me an ambien. I was sleepy through the whole labor. I got an epidural at a 7 if you get one get it a little earier. I was in pain but breathing really helped. The worst part was I got an episiodomy and tore the rest of the way so I was ripped from hole to hole. Made for a long recovery. Good luck. Just remember things change fast and you may not always be able to stick to your birth plan.
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