sept babies

edited February 2011 in September 2011
I'm due Sept 24th with my 3rd I have two boys so I'm hoping for a girl this time.


  • Due sept 16 with my 5th.i have 4 girls so hoping for s boy lol.
  • I have 2 girls due sept 20 hoping for a boy but will be happy if its healthy
  • *a boy not s boy lol
  • Due September 11th with my first. :) So nervously exciting. x)
  • I'm due sept 28th with my third :) my daughter is two and my son five months so excited :) :) :)
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  • Due september 5th my first hubby 3rd. So excited cant wait to feel it move.
  • Sept 7th wit my first
  • Due sept 19 with my 1st
  • Due Sept.24 with my first. Twenty years old,from Louisiana. Couldn't be happier!!! :)
  • I'm due Sept 28th . I'm 18 this is my first I'm very nervous but getting excited.
  • I'm due sept 11th hoping for a girl I have 2 boys 3 and 13 months and 2 step daughters 11 and 12 I'm 20 from niagara falls canada
  • Congrates mamas to be! I'm due september 6..this is our first :) I just found out my grandfather on my moms side was born on this day! My bday is 9-23, my dads is 9-27, my grandmothers is 9-25...september just got a little crazier for this growing family lol!
  • Im due spet.5th..
  • Im due sept 8 with my first and so excited. I swear time has gone so slow since I found out.
  • Yea... I know, the weeks seem to be draggin by... I was due sept. 20th, but last week, due to increased development, I'm now due sept. 18th... I'm soo excited...
  • I'm due sept 2! This would be my 2nd. We are hoping for a boy :)
  • Due Sept 17th with my first! Me and b.d. Are hoping for a little girl. But either way were super excited =]
  • This is my first so I'm freaking out hahahaha it wasn't planed but me and my bf are thrilled about it... I'm 8 weeks and I'm due for sep 26th but I'm waiting for the doc to tell me for sure :)
  • I am due september 25th I have 3 boys and 2 girls I doe mind what I am having just want it to be happy and healthy :-D
  • I'm due Sept 8th with first. I'm excited and worried at the same time. I heard so many different things its making me nervous!!! ++++positive thoughts
  • Hi all. Im due 6th sept. This will be baby no. 3. I have 2 girls and hoping like crazy for a boy. :-D
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  • This will be my second birth and the baby is due Sept.23rd. I have 3 adopted under 5 and my first is 14. I am super excited.
  • They changed my due date from Oct to Sept 30th yesterday after doing an ultrasound
  • Due Sept 14 w my second* hoping for girl
  • *a boy not s boy lol
  • I'm due September 16!! My bf wants a boy I just want a healthy baby and ill be happy with a boy or a girl. We both have a daughter from previous relationships and had a son together that passed away this summer (I think thats why he wants a boy). Happy healthy pregnancies and babies to u all :)
  • originally due sept 11 with our first but got moved up to the 4th :) found out a week ago we are having a girl. I also had to let my belly ring go :/
  • Congrats mamas to be!!! I'm due Sept 8th, 1 day before my bday. What a bday present! It will b my first yayyy :+)
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