older moms

edited January 2011 in Pregnant
Hi there everyone... I was just curious if there was any moms on here over 35? I am 36 and having my third child. My last baby I had when I was 28 and this time around seems a little more difficult. I am tired alot and have a really hard time sleeping at night. I am also worried alot more about the baby being healthy ... I have already had all my tests for birth defects and everything is normal. But I still worry.


  • I am 35 and having my third baby...I will be 36 when I deliver
    When are you due?
  • I am due july 28. When are you do? How old is your youngest? How is your pregnancy going so far?
  • im 34 will deliver at 35, this is my first and couldnt be more excited. im only 5 weeks today and cant, wait till September.
  • I'm 31 will be 32 when I deliver in September this is my third oldest is ten and second is in heaven
  • Glad to know there are moms in their thirties still having babies.... how is everyone feeling... do u feel any different from when u were younger and pregnant?
  • I'm 32 will be 33 when I deliver this may. This is my third. Second daughter. And by far the hardest. Everything is healthy and fine. But I'm exhausted, varicose veins, cramping. Muscle spasms, threw up whole first trimester. Can't wait to have her and be done! I'm 26 weeks.
  • I am feeling like this pregnancy is way harder then my others. I am tired all the time.. cramping... have a hard time sleeping and don't feel very pretty.... with my others I had none of this and I felt I was the most beautiful when I was pregnant ... must be the age :-S
  • I am due July 13th...my youngest will be 3 in April. I have never been a happy pregnant lady I just love the end result but this one has been especially hard. Between nausea and being exhausted constantly...thank god my husband is amazing! Lealove-did you find out what your having yet? I worry how am I going to handle our all?!
  • I find out march 10 hoping for a girl.
  • I'm almost 38 and preggers with my 3rd. Very diff. I have a 6 yr old and a 4 yr old. Cramping, depressed, stressed (bcuz my age) and worried. I'm 12 weeks and don't want to announce it bcuz I'm so worried. Im sure these feelings will go away.
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  • Im.38, will be 39 a week before baby arrives. He/she will be my 3rd, my hardest, and last pregnacy!! It was a ooops one.. I have a 13(b) & 10(g). I had a hard time accepting i was preggo, but Its all good and Im Blessed to have one last baby.. even though ive been in bed rest 1mnth. I go Monday to dr to see if i can return to work. Please pray for me, for all tests done come bak.normal. Good Luck ladies!!
  • Prayers coming your way @betty
  • Thanx Meg!!
  • My prayers go out to you betty. Keep positive. :)
  • I will turn 33 right after baby is born. This is my third and my hubby says last lol this baby was an unexpected but very welcome gift :-) I have two boys and this pregnancy has been way harder then my last two. I wish for all of us young, and slightly less young mamas to be, to have healthy babies and easy deliveries!! Good luck mamas!
  • I'm about to turn 35 (2 days) I'm pregnant with my first. I've no idea if it could have been easier if I was younger...but I do know I'm like a narcaleptic cat. I am very tired all the time for sure! Naps are my best friend. I do see how it could be easier when you are younger.
  • I will be 37 when this little surprise is here. This is my #4. My first 3 are, 18(b), 16(b), & 9(g). We thought we were done. We are very concerned with the risks to the baby because of my age in fact my husband refuses to get emotionally involved until we know everything is ok. First doctors appointment today. Hoping to hear the heartbeat and for the doctor to help me with my fears. Good luck to all of you!
  • I am 35 and due Sept 29. This is my 4th pregnancy and I have a 13 year old boy. I'm nervous hoping this pregnancy doesn't end in miscarriage. If it does then I'm done trying.
  • I will be 40 next month and am preg witj #6. My other kids are 14, 12, 10, 8, and 2. So far this has been the easiest, but I still have a long way to go. Due Sept 4th.
  • I'm 32, this is baby #4. This had been the hardest so far. Between morning sickness, cramps, early bedrest and feeling totally overwhelmed, I am worn out. None of my others were this hard to carry. I am excited for this new little one who will join our family in July, but Dang its been hard
  • Thanks lealove!!
    @ shae, i thought i was d only one with older kids..U beat me... lol.. good luck friend
  • @Betty. Wasn't a running I was planning on being in but here I am!

    Dr appointment went well. He eased my concerns with my age. But we weren't able to hear the heartbeat. He wasn't expecting to so doesn't seem concerned. I am 9 weeks and thought we should be able to hear it. I guess as long as the doc isn't concerned I will try not to worry either
  • @Shae. First one is usually a little tough to find. Have you had your dating ultrasound yet? You should be able to see the heart pumping away if its after 8 weeks.

    This is only my third, but it was a suprise for me as well. Was sooo not prepared! The timing is pretty good but I'm so frustrated at being preg and miserable I feel like I haven't bonded with this one as much. Just hasn't seemed real! But now that its getting closer and my kids are excited I'm starting to get more excited. But also realizing I got rid of most everything! And diapers all over again! Ack! Lol
  • @Shae, did he do an internal sono? I am 38 next month and I found out 2weeks ago when I was 9 wks with my third. The Dr did an internal sono and we could not hear the heart but we saw it in the screen. I'm nervous too bcuz of my age. I'm holding off on telling people until my big sono this Tues. Good Luck and God Bless to all us older moms!
  • Congrats to all of you ladies! Try not to sorry about your age its just a number... my 40 year cousin gave birth 7 months ago to a healthy baby girl. She also has a 5 and 3 year old. I'm sure you all will be just fine. Hope you all have healthy pregnancies and babies too!
  • *worry, not sorry
  • I'm 35 and due May 29th with my 4th (b) my others are 13(b), 12(b), and 11(b)........I definitely feel like this pregnancy is the hardest kinda......I don't have toddlers to take care of too this time. But I am a lot heavier. So far though
  • Everything is moving rite along smoothly!
  • Hello everyone good luck and God bless our little blessings I'm 31 will be 32 when I deliver in September this had been quite different from first baby sick and tired this go round
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