6 weeks and 2 days preggos, any sept mamas in the house ;)

edited January 2011 in September 2011
I'm due sep 20th, can't wait 4 my first doc visit which is feb 21st, not planning on telling family till I'm 3 months, since I had a previous miscarraige, I got 1 son he's 2 and a half yrs :) safe pregnancy 2 all..


  • I'm due Sept 4th with my 4th baby :-)
  • Im due september 16. I have my 1st ultrasound february 1st so that could change. This is my 5th! Got 4 girls hoping for a boy but would be happy with either
  • September 27th here!
  • I'm due September 16th as well. I've already had my first ultrasound and got to see baby's heart beating.
  • @tiff87124. Wow when did u have ur ultrasound ? They wouldn't give me an ultrasound on my first visit. They said the baby would be too Small to see
  • Wish I could of got an early doc appointment 2 hear my baby heartbeat
  • I'm due September 12th. Hopefully I'll get to see the heartbeat soon!
  • I'm due sept 15th imy first appt is valentines day :)
  • I had my ultrasound yesterday. There's not much of the baby to see, but you can see a large sac and the tiny flickering heartbeat. My baby's heartbeat was 120.
  • I'm due Sept 11th. I had my first ultrasound today. It wad the most amazing thing I've ever seen (this is my first child) I got to see my lil jelly bean. I heard the heartbeat too! I cried like a lil baby when I heard it lol. The dr said the babys heartbeat is very strong & everything looks good, so I'm super excited! H&H pregnancies to all of u!
  • I'm due Sept. 14th. My next appointment isn't until Feb. 21st :/ seems so far away! Does anyone know if they'll do an ultrasound or what will they do? I'll be 11 weeks on my next appointment.
  • Im due sept 14 with my second child im 6 weeks and 5days
  • Im due sept 25th:) with my first. I go to the dr tomorrow for the first time.
  • Hey! Im due sept 25th alsoooo!! Im 6 weeks and five days.
  • I'm due September 8th with my first baby so excited for my ultrasound on the 17th Feb . Hope everything go's well for u all .:)
  • Mammanouchee-

    That awesome:) when was your first appointment?
  • Due Sept 18th!
  • I'm due september 29 and my first doc appointment is tomorrow
  • This thing says Sept.23rd and I'm another app it says Oct.16th who knows??:) I'm just asking for a healthy baby!
  • Am due Sept 27, just found out yesterday that I was pregnant! I got to see my little peanut in the ultrasound!
  • I'm due sept 11th with my first hoping for a baby girl...
  • Due September 22 with my first
    Im so freaking out any advice
  • I'm due September 25
  • I'm due 9/19 with my 1st. Super excited but feeling really icky! Super emotional and sick anyone else?
  • September 25th :)
  • how about september daddies. my gf 6 weeks n 4 days now. n im so excited (:
  • I'm due Sept 18 with my first. My doctors appointment isn't until Feb 16. And YES gelk I feel totally icky! It sucks. I hope it goes away soon!! Good luck!!
  • According to different apps I'm due Sept 13. I'm currently 7 weeks 2 days. My first appt is on Feb 2nd and I'm having an ultrasound. This is my third baby and the only pregnancy that I haven't been really sick with. I pray that it continues on so. Hoping for a boy. I have 2 beautiful girls ages 3 and 7. Congrats and well wishes to you all!
  • Congratulations to you all! I have my first ultra sound appointment on Feb 1st and it is my first pregnancy. According to this application I am due September 27th. My husband and I are thrilled!
  • I'm due sept 12! 2nd baby, my son is 2 1/2. Had 1st ultrasound wed. The heartbeat was 149! :) we are so excited!
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