I miscarried last night!!!



  • Thanks everyone for ur concern, I feel ok way better than this morning. I'm already on my way bk to texas. Im going to try amd make it bk. If I notice any changes got the worse I will stop at the nearest er.
  • (For the worse )
  • @1sttimemom26. Im frm dallas as wel mi heart and prayers go out to u. I kno the feeling. Gt bn plenty of rest n take care of ur body. If u nd sumone to tlk to im hur and so r the rest of us
  • I'm so sorry for you're loss. :( ill pray for you this evening! <3
  • edited March 2011
    I'm really sorry for ur loss don't give up I understand the feelin I had two miscarriage b4 my son was born I didn't try for a whole year n than I had him n I was heart brokin n now I'm 29 weeks pregnant ill keep u in my pray n take it easy
  • my deepest condolences!!! I think you should be fine unless you start bleeding heavily again, filling a pad every hour or less. don't use tampons, and make sure to rest with your ankles up when you can. Keep hydrated and make sure you east and sleep as best you can. Again, I'm sorry for your loss praying you can get back in the game soon! If you need, you can msg me
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  • Sorry for your loss and I know it can be scary being a in different state, but always take care of you first no matter where you are. Be safe and keep us updated. Sorry for your loss...... :-(
  • Sorry to hear that
  • How are you feeling hun? So sorry to hear abour your loss. Lots of hugs & prayers!
  • edited March 2011
    Im feeling better, barely any bleeding now, just like soreness and pressure on the inside. Ready to go get ckd out. I will let u all know how everything goes when I make it to my doctor.btw I ckd bld pressure and temp and both were good.Thank u all for ur prayers and support it feels good to know that people care. O:)
  • Sorry for your loss prayers going out to u n urs
  • Sorry for your loss... my prayers are with u...
  • May god mend your broken heart
  • I'm so sorry for your loss!
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