6 weeks and 2 days preggos, any sept mamas in the house ;)



  • I'm due September 15 with my first! First ultra sound is Monday! My husband and I are soooooo excited!! Oh and I feel really nauseous all the time!! It sucks way bad.. but it will be so worth it!!
  • I am due sept 26
  • Due sept 15th ;) 1st child super ecstatic! !!! :)
  • Army wife I'm due the same day my only advice would be to stop panicing and except it because its the most beautiful gift we are blessed with as woman I'm an army wife this is my first baby as well and I'm a soldier so I know first hand it won't be easy its well worth it so have fun and bond with your baby iam
  • I'm due Sept 21. I have my first apt on Feb 15... But I don't think they will do an ultrasound til 12weeks.
  • I'm 7 wks, 1 day, due Sept 15 with our first baby...=) my first apt/ultrasound is on Monday, the 31st, praying for a little flickering heartbeat since we didn't get to see or hear it last time!!! I've been so nauseous and get heartburn almost every night!!! Congrats mamas!!!!
  • I'm due Sept 22nd.. this is my 2nd child and I'm 6 weeks and 1 day
  • I'm due September 28th. I have had a miscarriage previous to this one. I'm not sure I will make it again but hoping for the best 8-|
  • sept 28 for us!!!! this is our first and couldnt be happier. I do worry about mc, havent had one but you never know. any advice on how to deal with that? my first appt is on friday feb 4th. h&h pregnancy to all
  • IM due sep 1st I had the ultrasound and heard the heart beat and saw the little peanut thr heart beat was 160 and yeah I feel very sick mostly at night but no too moody so thats a plus this is my first and im crosdin my fingets for a boy but havr a feeling its a girl which is what my husband wants so I will be happy either way im am very excited to just see my little master peice <3
  • LAylay1711 im a arm wife too eguch makes things a bit more stressfull but I couldnt imagine being in the army as well..we are getting new orders soon and have to, move which sux cux I like my doc and it stresses us out worring bout housing bit over all we are doin well considerin the circumstances
  • Congrats all... I'm due :-) sept 29th
  • Congrats everyone! Um..im due sept 20th im 6 weeks n 4 days..my 1st doctor visit is next friday..im hoping I get a early ultrasound..but who knows might just b a normal check upp sigh
  • According to the due date calculator I'm due september 2nd 2011
  • I'm due sept 20 also!
  • I'm due Sept. 27
  • Hi guys I also am a army wife but also in the army I'm due september 17 according to this I'm scared this is my first n my husband n I are leaving for afghansatin in jan :( this was unplanned but we happy
  • I am due on the 20th September. I still have not stayed experiencing early morning sickness or vomiting, is that alright
  • Sept 30th!!
  • Sept 27 for me!! Super excited and can hardly keep news to myself. Is it too early to spill the beans???
  • Im due september 25 and excited is an understatement.!*
  • I'm due Sept 22nd. Congrats to all of you! Do any of you have Thrombofilia?
  • I'm due September 14th with my second pregnancy. I had a previous miscarriage and am nervous about losing this little bean. I had a little blood yesterday, but going to see my midwife on Monday. They said they will do an ultrasound. I'm hoping everything is going well in there. Congratulations to all you other moms. I hope you all have a happy healthy pregnancy. :bz
  • Due Sept 26...hoping for a girl as I have two handsome boys already. This will be our last baby.
  • Hi Moms to be.... I'm 5 weeks 2 days....due date sept 29th
  • I'm due sept 10th
  • I'm due sept 6. I'm 8wks along with my first baby. @-)
  • The user and all related content has been deleted.
  • According to the book "I'm pregnant" my due date is sept 12. I'm really excited I go to my first dr appontment feb. 9
  • You can spill the beans at the time that best suits you......how ever if something happens you may end up having to tell everyone that news too.....most people wait till after the 12 weeks due to after 12 weeks the chance of MC is 5%.
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